11 - The New National Anthem

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    I had to admit it.  I was addicted to this boy in a way that I couldn’t even begin to talk about.  It made me blush to realize how much I needed his fire, the bursting colors of his personality and the fervor of his voice as he sang on stage.  Their energy made my legs not ache so much and I took photos, images that froze our time together in eternity.  I was not only addicted to Victor Fuentes but to the others as well.  I had not felt such camaraderie since I was in high school, since I was last around them.  As I spent the next weeks with them, I knew I couldn’t lose them again and if I did, I would be lost without them.  They were little rays of sunshine; Jaime’s bold orange showing sarcastically and goofily against the black; Mike’s red passion for his music and the humorous cynicism he played with; Tony’s green, his personality a mix of kindness and mischief; and finally Vic’s bright gold, the shimmering metallic color a refuge from the dark thoughts that seemed to try and drag me back down into numbness.  He pulled me out and kept me warm, the color comforting and loving.

    The crowds loved them, every single venue full of kids that sang as loudly as Vic and told their own stories in their expressive faces.  The sweat and heat was enthralling and at one show I couldn’t help but jump into the throng.  They carried me towards the back and then up towards the stage again.  I fell into a mosh pit and was rescued by Vic who came bravely brawling through the masses of teenage hormones and the throng of boys who pushed the crowds in circles.  He had continued to sing all the while, stopping and standing in the center of the pit with my hand in his. 

    It had been one of the most magical moments on the tour thus far.

    As we drove on towards some east coast city, I was staring across the table at the boys while they battled at FIFA and pretended to kick imaginary soccer balls across the RV.  Their drum and sound techs were texting their girlfriends in the back of the bus, the driver intent on getting us to our destination.  The merch girl was painting her toenails on her bunk and their photographer was just staring lazily at them all, watching their movements and silent expressions.  It was a fascinating scene, something I couldn’t help but pick up the black object sitting on the table next to me and snap a photo. 

    They all took notice and then turned my way, making faces and gestures with their hands before I took another photo.  I laughed aloud when Vic came towards me, dragging me to him with an arm around my shoulder and forcing me to snap a picture of the two of us.  He kissed my cheek, eyes shutting as he did so and I smiled, eyes crinkling with the motion. 

    I snapped the image.

    “I love Alouette,” he whispered in my ear, nibbling on it and chuckling as I squealed and giggled.

    “Shutup,” I replied flirtatiously, “I love you most-”

    “Oh Jesus Christ they’re starting that shit again!” Mike scowled, covering his ears with his hands.  Jaime looked at him and a wide grin split his lips before he pressed a few buttons on the controller.

    He stood and stuck his hands in the air.

    “GOAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!” he screamed wildly, running around the RV as though taking his victory lap.  I laughed heartily as Mike stood up, grasping the hyper boy by the back of the shirt and head locking him.  He put a fist into his head and fucked up his hair pretty bad, Jaime protesting all the while.

    Vic stood and joined the two, grasping a control out of his brother’s hand and shooting a goal into Jaime’s net.  He stood and got in Jaime’s face, laughing as he called out his winning goal.  They proceeded to tackle one another before starting to beat the crap out of each other.  It was normal horseplay though and Tony and I just watched on in disapproval though I couldn’t help laughing at them every now and again when one of them feigned surrender only to continue the game in due time.

Throw Your Colors at the Dark {Vic Fuentes}Where stories live. Discover now