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After the twenty-two girls who stood out from the other side ran laps obediently, Zhou Sheng asked those who remained in the line to stand at military posture.

Then, he started to walk around in the line. Sometimes he would stop while walking.

He stopped in front of the three people who did not stand out several times. Their moods were like riding a roller coaster, up and down.

When he stopped, they were worried whether they were exposed. When he started to walk again, they were glad that they were not. When he stopped again, they wondered whether he suddenly remembered.

After all, they were all little girls, and their psychological quality was not much better. This kind of psychological warfare tactics used when catching suspects was really hard for them.

Zhou Sheng saw that the girls really couldn't stand it anymore. Although it was winter, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"You, you, and you, come out."

He called out the three people who didn't stand out very accurately.

When they were called out, Zhou Sheng saw that the three people were obviously relieved. They didn't escape, but they didn't have to worry about it.

"Come with me."

Although it was because he didn't stand out just now, it would definitely embarrass them if he said it in public. Zhou Sheng still remembered his mother's education since he was a child. If possible, he should try his best to protect the girls' face and self-esteem.

These are students, not his soldiers. It doesn't matter how he scolds them.

After taking everyone aside and making sure they were far enough away, Zhou Sheng looked at the girls.

"You should all know why I called you out."


"Then you should know that I will increase the punishment later."


"When we go back later, I will say that you did not stand in military posture well, and then you will be punished to run five laps around the training ground. For the remaining 25 laps, you will stay and do five laps of frog jumps after the group is dismissed. Did you hear me?"

"I heard you, instructor, thank you instructor."

The girls who can get into Kyoto University are very smart and know that the instructor is thinking about them. If they are told directly that they did not stand up honestly, I am afraid that their impression in the eyes of their classmates will become irresponsible people. The instructor's approach has protected their image to the greatest extent.

As for the severity of the punishment, they should bear it.

"Okay, go back and punish the runners first."

"Okay, instructor."

Just when Zhou Sheng finished talking to the three girls and returned to the line, there was a sudden cry from the direction of the line.

Zhou Sheng was originally walking back, but when he heard the cry, he ran over. This group of freshmen are a group of outstanding talents who can be admitted to Beijing University, and nothing can go wrong.

When Zhou Sheng ran there, he saw a group of people gathered in a circle, and the people outside were looking inside.

"What's wrong?" Because the crowd was dense and all of them were girls, and men and women were not allowed to touch each other, Zhou Sheng couldn't squeeze in directly, so he could only pat the shoulder of a girl next to him who was still looking over there.

"Ah! Who is it... It turned out to be the instructor, I was scared to death." Watching the excitement very attentively, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder, and he was inevitably startled. He was about to turn his head and say who this person is, so unethical and scaring people, but before he finished speaking, he saw a military green coat.

"What happened, why are you all gathered around?" Seeing that the girl did not answer his doubts, Zhou Sheng asked again.

"Oh, one of the girls who was sent to run just now had a leg cramp and fell down. People rushed up at once, and I didn't see who it was. It seemed to be the girl who gave the demonstration yesterday. What was her name? It should be Qin Pengpeng. Yes, that's it..." Before she finished speaking, Zhou Sheng started to move forward. At this time, he didn't care about the intimacy between men and women. He squeezed in and evacuated the crowd. "Everyone, make way." The girls who were taken away and didn't have time to run were grateful for the instructor's care just now. Seeing that Zhou Sheng wanted to go inside, he hurried up to help. With the help of the three girls, he felt much more relaxed and gave them a look of appreciation.

When he could finally see the person lying on the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked fine, except that his knees were scratched. Fortunately, it was winter and he was wearing more clothes. If it was summer, he would have broken his skin.

If it is not handled properly, there will be a risk of infection. Even if it is cured, it will not be good to leave a scar, even if it is on the leg. Girls will always care.

Next to Pengpeng are Sisi and Feiyan.

"How are you? Can you stand up? Is your bone okay?"

"It should be fine. I just can't stand up right now. I'll be fine in a while." Pengpeng saw the instructor coming over and quickly said that she was fine.

Sisi next to her was obviously dissatisfied with her words.

"Instructor, you kept asking Pengpeng to demonstrate yesterday. She did a lot more training than others. She is only 16 years old and still a child. She must have spent more effort to do the standard movements. When she got up this morning, she almost couldn't walk. She insisted on coming to the military training, but she had to walk slowly because of the pain on the road, so she was late. You punished her to go running."

Sisi was straightforward and said it directly without paying attention to Pengpeng's disapproving eyes.

Zhou Sheng then realized that Pengpeng's training yesterday was indeed heavy. She was not a rough soldier. Her roommate said that she was only 16 years old, a little girl, and she could not bear such a heavy training. He did not consider it carefully. He thought that the little girl was fine because she did not say anything. Who knew that the little girl was so stubborn.

The most urgent thing was to send her to the school doctor as soon as possible, in case something happened.

However, a new problem came. Pengpeng could not even stand up now, so she could not go to the school doctor by herself. He could not carry her over by himself. Men and women should not touch each other. There were girls around, and he was not strong enough. What should he do?

Zhou Sheng thought about it but couldn't think of any good solution. He could only rely on himself. He couldn't delay. He gritted his teeth and apologized later. That was the only way.

Peng Peng felt that he suddenly had a strange ability. He could see the instructor's entanglement from his expressionless face.

Peng Peng could also guess the reason for the entanglement. In this era, the separation of men and women was still very strict, not as open as in later generations. This instructor must be entangled in the idea of ​​not letting men and women touch each other.

Although he knew that his current state was not a big problem, he was just too tired, his leg cramped, and he fell down again, and he couldn't stand up all of a sudden, but the instructor must be worried. He was his student and had to take responsibility. He had to go to the school doctor, but he couldn't walk, and none of the girls next to him had the strength to help.

However, in this situation, Peng Peng still thought of a solution. No need to worry about the intimacy between men and women, and no need to worry about it taking too long.

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