1. The soldier from the Noor Army.

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The air was arid; the wind blew silently; the sky was tinted orange, indicating sunset. The secluded white houses were arranged perfectly on the white sand, with tents at different angles. The orange hue illuminated buildings making the view mesmerizing. The shops were opened and customers moved about. In the
middle of this town was a larger building with a tower at the top, with the moon and a star decorating its top. 

At the moment, a figure could be seen inside the tower. He cleared his throat and placed his index fingers on his ears. A loud call was issued then;

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!

Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah!

Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah!

Ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah!

Ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah!

Hayya ‘alas-Salah!

Hayya ‘alas-Salah!

Hayya ‘alal-Falah!

Hayya ‘alal-Falah!

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!

La ilaha illallah!

The Mu'adhdhin voice was loud, clear, and melodious. Before the adhan ended, the shops were closed as the men rushed to the masjid.  In a small house in the western part of the town,  in the compound was a young man squatting with a kettle in his hands as he washed his face thoroughly. He brushed the dark beard on his chin when a female voice sounded from the room. 

"Zayyad!" The young man paused for a brief moment and continued. A lady in a simple grey dress came out and shook her head. She was middle-aged but her beauty couldn't be hidden, even with the ordinary clothing.

"Hurry up, so you won't miss the iqamah too." She said watching her son. Zayyad nodded and washed his hand, then rubbed his dark black hair. He washed his legs and kept the kettle. 

He turned to his mother and smiled awkwardly. 

"Go ahead." She pointed at the door.

"Don't worry Ummiy, I won't waste time again. I will be back later to eat." Zayyad nodded and waved his hand before rushing out. 

Zainab shook her head and mumbled, "How many times will you say that?" A gratified smile still formed on her face. Her son distributed the clothes she made but he made sure to sell everything before coming back in the evening. She always told him to come back even if the clothes were remaining but he insisted on finishing his job for the day. But no matter what, he never misses Salat, which made her relieved and happy as his mother. 

Zayyad hurried down the street in a black thobe that suited his complexion. His dark hair was glossy and smooth, stopping at his neck region, further accentuated by his full beard. Zayyad had a serious-looking countenance, with rare black pupils. He was tall and well-built. 

The masjid soon came into view and he went in. He sighed with relief as the front role wasn't full yet. With a Salam, he greeted the man beside him and stood straight to pray tahiyatul masjid. Zayyad was done when the iqamah was called. 

The imam who was sitting in the mihrab stood up and the followers joined too. The masjid was full now and they arranged their standing; their toes and arms aligned together, everyone facing the Qibla. 

"Allahu Akbar!" The imam raised his hands by his ears and the followers imitated him before placing their folded arms on their chests. 

Maghrib prayer had three rakats and with the Salam, the salat was completed. Zayyad sat down quietly and started his azkars just like the others. 

Some minutes later, the imam, Sheikh Abdulazeez stood up and climbed the Minbar, for the usual daily lectures. 

"Today's lecture will be on Khushooh. As a Muslim, you need to have reverence and fear of Allah in everything you do. No matter what, do not forget that Allan is watching you. When you are praying, remember that you are in front of Allah. Everyone else and everything should be behind you because, at that time, you are conversing with your lord. 

There is no time that the slave is closer to Allah than when he is in sujood. The prophet said to his companions, 'No one is worse than a person who steals in Salat.' And they were surprised, just like most of you now."

Sheikh Abdulazeez studied their expressions with a smile. The deen was still being spread and to many it was new. So there were many hadith they didn't know about. Zayyad also furrowed his brow after hearing this. Theft in Salat? Who will do that?

Sheikh Abdulaziz cleared their confusion.

"The prophet peace be upon him answered, 'A person who steals in Salat does not complete his ruku and sujood.'"

Oh. Zayyad nodded as he listened carefully.

"We are to pray exactly as the prophet prayed. When you are in Ruku, you need to make sure your back is straight and you are calm in that position. Say your dhikr before standing up. Do not rush in Salat. Same with Sujood. Be calm and pray to Allah your creator. That way, you have completed your Salat with Khushooh."

The members of the masjid were enlightened and gratified by this. 

"Okay. Today we have a guest that wishes to send a message to you all. Assalamu alaikum." Sheikh Abdulazeez stepped down and a tall man in the front row stood up. He looked friendly, but Zayyad could picture a different sharp aura from the man. 

"Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers in Islam." He greeted them and they returned the greeting. 

"My name is Ustaz Ali and I'm from the Noor army." 

So, he's a soldier. Zayyad's eyes flashed. No wonder he got that sharp air. The others were also surprised and interested. The Islamic state's main capital was Noor al-Islam and that is where its main army originated, the Noor Army. Now that someone from there came to Amatra, they wondered what he came for. 

Ustaz Ali continued, "The Kafir forces are trying more to destroy the Muslims and this is not what we can allow. They worship others other than Allah, and they abuse and mistreat Muslims. Stopping those who want to convert. They kill any Muslim they see, so their blood is halal too. The Noor army is going to different Islamic cities to recruit new soldiers to train this year. The situation is getting more chaotic and we need to protect the women and children from the war. We need to strengthen our forces. That way, every Muslim can worship Allah in peace." 

The short speech made all of them have solemn and determined countenance. Zayyad's expression was the same as before as he watched the man. 

"I came along with forms.  If you are interested, take it to your parents to sign it. May Allah guide us, Ameen." Ustaz Ali nodded and picked up a heap of (papers). He distributed it to everyone and they thanked him before he added, "After making your decisions, get ready. The recruitment will be in a week, In sha Allah." 

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