2. Saifullah.

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The crowd dispersed after the isha prayer. Zayyad came out and was tapped on the shoulder. He turned around and it was a slim slim-looking young man with a turban. 

"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh." The young man smiled, stretching his palm. Zayyad shook it and returned," Wa alaikumussalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh." 

"Smile more often okay, it's sunnah. " the young man smiled but Zayyad only stared at him placidly. "So, what do you think? Are you joining?" He asked. 

Saifullahi smiled and held his hands behind him. He was Zayyad's best friend and they were close right from childhood.  

"I would love to but you know that I prefer being a scholar," Saifullahi said. 

But Zayyad disagreed with this. "When you are on the battlefield, slaying the enemies of Islam, you will get tons of rewards for jihad. What will you do cowering in the city?"

Saifullahi simply smiled. "I am not being a coward. Spreading the deen of Allah and making Muslims know more about Islam, is a form of Jihad too."

"Leave that to the scholars. Youngblood should be on the battlefield. " Zayyad insisted. Saifullahi grasped his shoulder and pointed out, "Think about it this way. If everyone decides to go on the battlefield, who will teach our women and children? Who will take care of them and the aged? What if an innovation is formed, who will stop it?"

Before Zayyad returned, a voice sounded behind them. "Both of you are right." They recognized the voice and Sheikh Abdulazeez walked before them.

"The prophet peace be upon him said, if you see something bad, you should stop it with your hand. If you cannot, use your tongue. If you can't, hate it in your heart but this is the weakest form of Iman." He smiled watching their attentive behavior and looked at Zayyad.

"Fighting on the battlefield and shedding blood for the sake of Allah has an abundant reward and even if you were to die there, you will be granted Jannah." He then turned to Saifullahi, "Working hard for Islam is a very good deed. Sharing the hadith and Sunnah of the prophet, writing Islamic books, and lecturing Muslims are no different from Jihad. So both of you are on the right track. It depends on your choice. And Zayyad…" 

Zayyad stared at the sheik and he said, "What Saifullahi envisioned is right. If all the youngsters and strong soldiers were to leave the city at the mercy of the enemies, who would protect them?" 

Zayyad nodded in understanding and the sheikh smiled. "I can see that you are extremely interested in joining the jihad. We pray to Allah that he helps you in your endeavor. "

"Ameen!" The two answered. Sheikh Abdulazeez nodded and walked away. 

"Okay. You are right this time." Zayyad turned to his friend. 

"Nope. I am always right." Saifullahi grinned. 

"Sigh. I have to go meet Ummiy." Zayyad said and they shook hands before separating. 

Zayyad rushed back to their small house and said his Salam. Zainab answered and opened the door for him. 

"Ummiy." He smiled at her and she pulled him in. Zainab always felt relieved whenever he called her name and smiled. It was like he knew what calmed his mother down. 

"I made your favorite today, son." She said as she walked to the kitchen.

"That will be great Ummiy." Zayyad grinned and spread the mat in the living room. Zainab came in with a plate of hajj and he collected it, inhaling the nice aroma.

"Masha Allah. Ummiy is always the best cook." He praised her and sat down.

"Don't flatter me because it's your best food." Zainab rolled her eyes and sat down.

"I am serious Ummiy," Zayyad affirmed and started eating after the bismillah. Zainab watched her son lovingly as he ate with a gentle smile on her face. 

"Alhamdulillah. Jazakhallahu khair Ummiy." Zayyad was done and said to Zainab. She handed the water to him and he drank before moving the utensils back to the kitchen. He came back and sat down quietly. 

"Just say it. I know that you are hiding something, Zayyad." Zainab broke the silence. From the moment Zayad started eating, he had been avoiding her gaze and his lips parted sometimes like he wanted to say something. 

Zayyad pinched his eyebrow. As expected of his mom, she always knew everything about him. He breathed and took the form out handing it over to her. 

Zainab collected it and furrowed her brows as she read it. Unlike some women, Zainab was literate. 

"So, do you want to join?" She glanced at him and asked placidly.

"Yes, Ummiy." He replied with no hint of nervousness. Zainab knew he was serious and it will be hard to change his mind now. They matched gazes and he quickly looked away. Zainab kept staring at him and said,

"I know you aren't joining just to fight the Kafir, Zayyad." 

"Yes, Ummiy." Zayyad turned around and nodded. She just listened to him, because when they were conversing seriously, there was no need to beat about the bush. 

"Whenever I ask you about my father, you only tell me that you got separated before I was born, but he's still alive. You don't mention which Islamic state he is in.  and many women in Amatra hardly know how to read or write. They are mostly from lower families but you are proficient in that. There are many mysteries around me but I chose not to ask about them before." Zayyad spoke softly and held her hands. "I know you are aware of my questions, Ummiy. And with the answers you give me concerning my father, I can only guess that he is not a Muslim and you must be from one of the Kafir states before. You must have gotten separated from my father in a way you don't want to remember and that is what I want to find out." 

Zainab faintly smiled and stroked his hair with her right hand. "Why are you so smart, son?"

"I am not smart Ummiy. Even Saifullahi says that." Zayyad pouted. Zainab chuckled at his dissatisfaction and kept her hand. "I told you not to listen to Saif's nonsense." 

"Ummiy." Zayyad sighed. "Okay, son." Zainab nodded and exhaled. Her expression then changed from serious, to worry and calm again. 

"You are right. I used to be from the Kafir state. The main core city, Abyada." She confessed slowly. Zayyad did suspect this but didn't expect it to be the main city. The Kafir state had three large cities, Abyada, Al-Mitra, and Bajihida. Abyada was the core where the royal family and aristocrats lived. To think his mother was once a citizen there. 

Salam. How is the novel so far? Your thoughts on Zayyad, Zainab, and Saifullah?

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