4. Malik Misfar Abyad El-Nassif

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Burhaan El-Hayat walked up the stairs, facing the palace, his expression devoid of any fear. The guards followed him closely with their swords, threatening to take action at any time. Burhaan's white hair and beard fluttered with the wind until he reached the door. His family made a perfect choice and he announced it despite knowing how dangerous it was. After locking the family gates for a while, he decided to confront the king now. 

"Don't attack." A voice sounded from the palace. Burhaan glanced at the guards before heading inside the palace. The inner palace was luxurious, sculpted, and designed with gold and precious gems. On the throne sat a man in luxurious robes and a golden crown. He looked in his thirties and had a side smile on his face. 

Malik Misfar Abyad El-Nassif. He took over the throne at a young age but he ruled more than the previous kings. 

Malik Misfar stared at the simply dressed Burhaan and laughed mockingly. 

"Patriarch Burhaan is always dressed in the finest dress and covered with gold. Don't tell me you have finally chosen to be a lowly commoner?" 

"Gold and gems don't represent a man but are just an extravagant way and show of pride. I am going to die one day, what will gold do for me?" Burhaan returned calmly standing in the middle of the hall. 

Malik Misfar smiled and stood up, his adornments clinging from the movement. 

"You used to bend your back before me, but today, being in front of your king, you dare match my gaze." He said calmly. 

"I only bow to the one who created me," Burhaan replied and Misfar laughed. "Oh, I forgot that your so-called religion bows to an illusory god. "

"Allah is not illusory but the creator and all-seeing." Burhaan retorted. "Whether it's the skies, the earth, or we humans, he created everything. You sculpt gods and worship them out of ignorance and stupidity. Cant, you see how foolish your actions are?" 

Misfar smirks with utmost arrogance.

"Patriarch Burhaan. Are you trying to attack me with those gods in the shrine?" He scoffed and spread his arms.

"This is my palace. This is my throne. This is my kingdom. Here, I am  god!" 

"The throne you are so proud of can one day be lost. " Burhaan shook his head. "The palace and kingdom you speak of will be destroyed one day. Even you will perish one day." 

"This is my territory, Don't be so foolish to think that anyone can come here and kill me," Misfar said. 

Burhaan pointed up and said, "Allah! Only Allah is eternal. The one and only God that doesn't need others' protection, he doesn't fall sick, nor will he die. He is the king of kings. He is al-Malik, al Quddus, al Mutakabbir!" 

"None of your nonsense will work here, Burhaan!" Misfar shouted, calling the old man's name directly. "From the great mistake you made, you have thrown your family into eternal damnation and misery." 

"You can't simply attack the El-Hayats and you know that, Misfar." Burhaan returned the look. 

"Are you trying to threaten my throne?" Misfar sneered. "Don't be a hypocrite and just come into the light, tell everyone that you want power and the throne." 

"By Allah, I have no such intentions." Burhaan shook his head. "I know you know about this treaty." He said and opened the scroll in his hands. Misfar squinted his eyes watching the scroll. He knows the history between the El-Hayats and the El-Nassifs. Every king was told about it. Due to the agreement that was made before, no matter what the El-Hayyats did, the ruling king can't give them a death sentence. This didn't only come from the agreement, but also the hidden power the El-Hayats might have that can overthrow him. 

"This was made ages ago. Do you look down upon me? Thinking that I can't deal with whatever your family might come up with?" Misfar asked with his chin up. 

"I know that you won't take such a risk." Burhaan returned calmly. 

"Won't I be stupid to let such a threat coexist in my empire?" Misfar added. 

"I can promise that my family will leave Abyada. I won't take anything with me." Burhaan said. This was the compromise he could come up with. The king feels trepidation from his family. If he was to leave the city without anything, in addition to the agreement, the king had no reason to disagree. 

Misfar narrowed his eyes as he contemplated quietly. If he let the El-Hayats leave so easily, his prestige will be lost but if he insists, Burhaan who was willing to bow his head and give up might put up a fight, which will be disastrous. 

"Don't expect me to agree so easily." He looked up and said. 

Burhaan looked calm but his heart skipped a beat. If he was alone, he wouldn't mind dying but he had a whole family to take care of. The women who suffered, the soldiers affected, and the branch families were guilty enough in his heart. He didn't want more casualties. 

"What do you want?" He asked.

Misfar smirked with a lewd light in his eyes.

"Patriarch Burhaan has a beloved granddaughter. She's both intelligent and beautiful." 

Don't go too far. My granddaughter is already married. I might be seeking an agreement, but don't force me." Burhaan said through gritted teeth.

Misfar broke into laughter as the lusty look disappeared. "If I wanted a woman, it's as simple as snapping a finger. I don't care about your granddaughter. No need to act like a tiger. I wouldn't be the king today if I was such a weak man." 

Burhaan calmed his breathing at this scheming king. 

Misfar held his hands behind him and said, "I can allow your family to leave and even let you take your daughters from their in-laws but my army will be outside waiting. You get only twelve hours head start before they go after you. No one will show mercy then." 

"Allah is our protector and guide. " Burhaan said and flicked his sleeves before leaving. Misfar watched his back as his knuckles cracked. 

Burhaan left the palace under many gazes as he felt relieved everything went well. He only hopes the king keeps his promise. He can't help but think of his granddaughter, Zainab. The other women might be released but it will be hard to let her go. He quickly made plans to help her escape no matter what too. Her in-laws might be acting nice but nothing looked simple as it was. 

It was a Friday night and the El-Hayats were all ready to leave Abyad the next day. All arrangements had been made with a scouter to help them watch the route. The Abyada army was very strong and fast. Twelve hours was enough for them to catch up with a family moving with children, women, and old ones. 

Burhaan stood in his room as he watched the night sky. Even with the arrangements, he couldn't stop the restlessness he feels in his heart. He only prayed that nothing went wrong.

"Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel." He muttered when a loud bang sounded from the family gates. 

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