Chapter 12: The End Of War, In London?

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Kuroyuri, Mistral

Jack: Algar!

Marcus then ran over to the Colonel.

Marcus: Yes sir!

Jack: Get Sierra loaded in with the civvies! We're pushing back the rest of Konni!

Marcus: Sir!

Marcus then saluted with Jack returning it before running off.

Meanwhile above the two, flew a flight of F-15C's firing off their M61A1 Vulcan's killing Konni troops as the gun also pierced some of the Konni armored vehicles.

Guardian 1-2: Phantom-6 Actual this is Guardian 1-2, we are RTB. Extra transport is enroute, E.T.A 3 mikes out.

Taupher: Copy 1-2.

Taupher then looked past the East wall seeing an AH-64 Apache raining down fire with its M230 Chain Gun before launching some Hydra 70 rocket pods.

Lucas: C'mon people! Let's go! Konni won't wait to kill you!

Lucas and Axel were currently rushing civilians from across Anima into the Chinooks with the rest of Sierra Company.

Apollo 1-9: Rocket out!

Apollo 1-9 then fired off an AT4 rocket, destroying the barrel of a Heavy Tank.

Apollo 1-8: Enemy armament disabled!

Jack: Push up! Push up!

Jack then fired off a few rounds, moving forward with a few more operators.

Taupher: Phantoms! Let's remove the stain on our home!

Blackwater PMCs: Yup-yup!

Phantom 0-8: Frag out!

0-8 then threw a frag grenade at a building containing Konni troops hiding out as it exploded with screams of pain.

Phantom 2-1: Move forward Whiskey Co!

Phantom 3-1: Gamma Company on me! We're taking the buildings back!

Soon the Blackwater PMCs started spreading out falling their Company CO's as Taupher jogged to Marcus.

Taupher: Major Algar!

Marcus: Yeah Commander?!

Taupher: Where the hell is 1st Recon?!

Marcus: I thought you sent out 1st Recon to the North side of the village?!

Taupher: I didn't?!


An explosion then occurred from the North face of the village as people were seen running away.

Civilian 1: Griiiiiiiiiimm!

Taupher: Fuck! Konni's got moles in 1st Recon!

Taupher and Marcus then ran to the North, rallying up a Platoon worth of men seeing Beowolves and other various Grimm being released from cages as Konni troops were seen on top of said cages.

Marcus: Who the hell is leading this charge?!

Taupher then looked in the distance seeing the Commanding Officer of the 1st Recon Platoon, Verdant Drake with the Konni troops.

Taupher: Verdant you SOB!

Verdant: Heh! Nothing personal sir! Let's go!

Verdant then hopped off the final cage as he banged on the truck before hopping onto the bed as it started to drive away.

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