visiting the Kingdom

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Once upon a time, there was an enchanting kingdom, filled with beauty and mystery, where soft lights and deep shadows blended to create a mesmerizing masterpiece. Towering mountains shrouded in mist, dense forests inhabited by countless creatures, and massive castles and palaces scattered throughout, with thriving cities, vibrant streets filled with amazing people, and markets selling various magical items and mysterious puzzles. After the colorful sunset painted the sky above the ancient castle, the stars emerged, leaving behind a canvas of enchanting colors. The kingdom's inhabitants were in their homes, some with their families, others playing with their children, and those with worries dwelling in their hearts. Behind every door was a story, and the protagonist of our tale stood on the palace balcony, gazing with sharp eyes resembling the brilliance of the setting sun at his kingdom. His black hair blew with the wind, his sharp jaw and thick lips contrasting the chiseled muscles like an artist's masterpiece on his body. He felt the magic of the moment, the strange calm that engulfed him when he was alone. Gentle breezes began to blow through the green gardens, playing with the tree branches. Everything seemed magical. Lost in thought for a moment, he gazed at the enchanted wall, his thoughts interrupted by a knock on the door. "Enter," he said in his deep, slightly hoarse voice."Brother," the visitor said. "What do you want?" "Uh... did you hear that sound?" "What sound?" "The sound of my heart breaking... I'm your only brother," he stammered, placing his hand on his heart, falling to his knees, and starting to scream, "Why? Why?" Then he closed one eye, opened the other, and looked at his brother, the king. The king's gaze seemed to scream, "Are you insane?" But to clarify things to his seemingly deranged brother, he added, "Why are you acting like a pregnant woman?" Aurelius shouted indignantly, "What?" "If you have something to say, say it; if not, leave," the king replied.Aurelius's face turned serious, no longer the pregnant woman screaming a moment ago, and he said, "Since the council's message arrived, you've been distant. What happened?" He sighed deeply and replied with all seriousness, "It's the black envelope. It seems strange movements are happening these days. Someone is planning to disturb the peace." "I knew this would happen soon, but why should we fear? We are the greatest kingdom," replied Aurelius. "Underestimating and belittling your enemy is your downfall, especially an unknown enemy," answered King Ardan. "Unknown? What do you mean? What movements, and how did you know a war is coming?" "I don't know. I will go to the council to find out." "Will that old fool be there?" "I don't know. All I know is that if a war happens, the two kingdoms must unite as one, as they did before, to survive." "Do you think that's possible with that old man alive?" "If the rightful heir appears, yes, it is possible." "Do you think the king and his family are still alive?" He was about to say something, but the sound of knocking on the door interrupted him. "Enter," his voice rang out. "Brother," a beautiful voice said. "My beauty," he replied. "What are you planning here without me?" she asked. Aurelius sprang up, "I can't believe it, my beauty. Do you know that when I entered here, he screamed at me and threw me out?" Ardan turned to Isolde, "Didn't I tell you he's the queen of drama?" They all laughed lightly, then summarized to her what had happened. She replied, "Yes, the union of the two kingdoms will facilitate and create a protective wall that no one will penetrate." "Oh, I almost forgot! I came to invite you all to dinner."
Ophilia"Maria and Daniel met in the morning at the table after Grandma's request. After she finished telling the story, they fell into a complete silence, then the sound of laughter burst forth. They laughed until tears started streaming down their faces. 'Grandma, do you hear what you're saying?' Daniel said, 'Have you lost your mind?'

'I am perfectly sane,' Grandma replied. While they were drowning in laughter, Olivia joined the group and said, 'Oh, you are enjoying yourselves without me.'

'Of course, of course, we are enjoying ourselves,' Ophelia answered. 'Grandma was telling me my truth.'

'Listen, listen, she told us that we are wizards and that we live in a kingdom, not just any kingdom but the great Wizarding Kingdom,' Daniel added.

'Sister, shouldn't we call a doctor to check on Grandma? I don't think she's well,' Olivia's eyes widened in shock and she said, 'Did you tell them the truth?'

Grandma nodded. Then Ophelia calmed her laughter, 'What do you mean by the truth? Are you all crazy?'

Grandma stood up from her seat and said, 'It is time to return home.' Ophelia sighed in frustration and said, 'Olivia, Grandma has lost her mind. What happened to you?'

'Ophelia, I know it's hard for you to accept, but this is the truth,' Olivia hissed, clenching her jaw. 'I'm not going anywhere. I have an important meeting tomorrow that is more important than your nonsense,' and she left, digging her heels into the ground.

Daniel added, 'I also have something important to do. Ciao!' He then stopped halfway, 'Besides, seriously, I wish you all a speedy recovery. You should really cut down on watching TV shows,' and he walked away.

'It will be harder than I thought,' Grandma said. 'I only told her half the truth, and look at her reaction. What if she knew she was the rightful heir to that kingdom?'

'I told you we should have taken her a long time ago,' Olivia said.

'I wasn't going to risk my grandchildren's safety,' Grandma replied.

'Call Emma. I think it's time for her to know too,' Olivia sighed. 'She will hold it against me,' she said.

'Damn them all. We did this to protect them,' Grandma burst out.
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Ema's POVI
don't think today will ever end, I thought to myself. While I was drowning in a pile of papers, I was surprised by a call from my mother saying that we needed to come immediately and sent us coordinates. After Ophelia and I got into her car, we set off, and our path became clear."Isn't this the forest road?" I asked."Yes, I don't know what Grandma and your mom are planning. I swear they've lost their minds," Ophelia replied."I'll call your mom, wait." After about three seconds of ringing, "Have you arrived?" my mother's voice sounded."Do you mean arrived at the forest? Yes," Ophelia answered."Keep going straight," my mom instructed."Okay, I see you," she added. We parked the car on the edge and got out."Ema, Mason, Daniel, what are you doing here?" I said when I saw them. I turned my head to Ophelia and saw her eyes turn red as she saw her siblings and their travel bags. I turned back to my mom."Mom, what's going on?" I asked."My dear, there's something you need to know."I turned back to Ophelia again and saw her clenching her hand, her jaw tight, and her eyes closed, trying to calm her anger. No one spoke; when she's angry, it's best not to speak to her, so everyone entered a staring contest."What do you mean? What are you going to tell me?" I added."You will understand, my dear," she said."Ophelia, can you come forward?" Grandma finally spoke."Oh, when she calls Ophelia by her full name, it means the countdown to your end has begun," I thought. I looked at Daniel, and he looked back at me. Then he said, "Ophelia," but his words were cut off when she turned her back and walked away.Daniel approached me and whispered, "Ema.""Yes?""Do you think Grandma has lost her mind and brought us here to kill us?""Yes, it's the perfect place to hide bodies," I replied.We looked into each other's eyes in panic, then suddenly a blow to the head came out of nowhere. I jumped and hid behind Daniel."Mom!""You ungrateful ones, she raised you until now, and look at what you're saying," she said.Suddenly, we all turned at the sound of a car. Ophelia returned, and we all hid behind her. The twins clung to her legs. More cars approached, not just one but two. Four men got out of each car."Damn it, what is this? Are we going to die? I can't believe it. Are they killers?""Calm down," Grandma said. "They are here to protect you," she added.They approached Ophelia and thus us. When we were ready for any move, they bowed before her, and we all panicked."We are the guardians of the queen. We swear to protect you and pledge our allegiance to you. Welcome, Your Majesty," their voices rang out beautifully.It seems I fell in love."Wait, what? Queen? What the hell?" I screamed.They all looked at me at once. My eyes met theirs. Ah, it seems I fell in love again. They are very handsome."The firstborn daughter and rightful heir to the great Wizarding Kingdom," their voices rang out again."Huh, what?" Daniel said."Of course, and I am the pet lizard of the queen disguised as a human. Nice to meet you," I said."What nonsense are you babbling about?" I asked, looking at Ophelia. She was silent. If I were in her place, I would have lost my mind too. How often does someone come to you and say you're a queen and we are your guardians?I snapped out of my thoughts as they stood up, then advanced towards a tree, turned, and looked at ophilia.After a long pause, Grandma said, "Come in, all of you. We don't want anyone to know that the queen and the princes have returned until we know the kingdom is safe for them.""As you command," they said in unison.

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