Chapter Three - Maybe It's Not The Mocha

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In the days that followed their last interaction in the coffee shop, Katsuki couldn't have been more confused.

He should have asked Izuku what was in the coffee. Maybe then, he could have had a different barista in a different cafe make it, and he would have the answers he was looking for.

It was a rainy day, which already had him pissed off. Colder weather always meant slower starts, and with all his various healed injuries from the job, his body tended to ache in the cold. Ever since he was a kid, he always hated the rain.

With his mood already soured, he decides to forgo coffee that morning, but he can't decide whether that is the right choice. Now, he doesn't have any caffeine in his system, and he didn't get to see Izuku like he planned (not that this was a huge goal or anything). He needed the caffeine, too, because he hadn't been able to sleep very well as of late.

His dreams have been weird and plagued with a familiar green-haired barista.

Never mind the fact that he keeps waking in the mornings bricked up as a motherfucker from the weird context of his dreams. He didn't even want to think about what those dreams meant.

Aside from the weird ones, he was also having dreams that took him back to his middle school era. Izuku was also in these dreams. The context here was less... whatever you'd call the other ones, and more violent.

They were memories. And Katsuki didn't like it. He'd rather forget about that and move on, but ever since he walked into The Little Leaf Cafe, the memories have been coming back stronger than ever.

With the intention of forgetting about the stupid dreams, Katsuki tries his hardest to lean into his work the next few days, crossing all his T's and dotting every I on his incident reports. And when he's out patrolling the streets, he does his best to keep his head in the game.

This is more difficult than he thought it would be, though, taking into consideration the proximity of Izuku's cafe to Endeavor's agency. He patrolled around the same area as the cafe a few times, and his mind couldn't help but bring up Izuku.

A few days later, it all comes to a head on a random Wednesday. Bakugou's plan to avoid the cafe altogether is forced out the window. 

Some villain with the ability to control actual fucking sewage is rampaging down the streets, bursting sewage pipes under the streets, and causing total, shitty mayhem.

Of course, Ground Zero is near the incident when it starts to go down. He sighs and takes off down the street, avoiding the geysers of raw sewage bursting out of the cement, trying to find the source. He lets out an explosion, rounds a corner, and finally spots the disgusting bastard standing atop a familiar building.

It's The Little Leaf Cafe.

And right in the middle of the street, shouting something incomprehensible as he tries to avoid the rivers of shit and piss on the sidewalks and streets, is Izuku. He's yelling something at the villain on top of his building, trying to get the guy's attention as he jumps and skips over the mess the villain is creating. 

Katsuki rolls his eyes and swoops down onto the street next to Izuku.

"Are you stupid?!" Katsuki shouts at him, gripping his arm.

Izuku turns around with a squeak.

"He's right on my building; I need to get him away from there! If he wrecks my building, there's absolutely no way I can pay for-"

"Hey, slow down," Katsuki says, gripping Izuku's arm tighter, yanking him against his chest as another crack in the street appears below them, signaling the start of another shit geyser. Izuku has a distressed look in his eye, and even though he's shaking, he stands firm, shooting Katsuki a desperate look as he clings to the hero. "I'm here now, I'll handle the fucker. Just get off the damn street, got it?"

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