I'm Not This

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One day I hope we meet again, whether it's in the mists or at sunset... or... in otherworld


November 20th, 2021, Pleasure, my name is Mary, today I had a really busy day at school, but it's always like that, I can no longer listen to those teachers, it seems like they have a problem with me, I listen to them and it seems like they reciprocate, I'm from class of the most popular girl in my school, all the teachers love her, and always treat her better than the others, spoiled, big lips, breasts, ass, skin so soft that an ant could snuggle in it, thin legs, big thighs ... I don't have any of that, I hate being jealous of others, the boys in my class aren't very cool, they're always making fun of me and my friend Angela, I feel like she's a version of me, we're very equal and with I have the same tastes, I met her this year and I'm loving being friends with her, about these guys they are fucking idiots, they probably don't have a shred of brain, but they always try to elevate this fakta of maturity by calling me disgusting and strange, both to me like Angela sometimes, but she doesn't care much. One day we decided to knock over the cleaning bucket, and the employee fell into the puddle of water spread across the floor, everyone laughed and when I saw, Victória, the girl in my class, the prettiest girl in the school, was there laughing a lot, the employee got up, furious and asked who made this joke, and I raised my hand in the middle of the corridor without any kind of fear, she took me to the board and I was later suspended, but I loved seeing everyone impressed with what I did. The next day Victória invited me and Angela to be part of their group, she said she didn't imagine I would do something so hilarious making everyone laugh, it seems like she thought I was cool, I said Angela had also helped, but no I wanted to expose her so I wouldn't have other problems, Victória said we would be best friends, Later, everyone came to us and said that it wouldn't get out of their heads, and that we did something really funny, it was really cool, but...... people only saw us and thought we were cool after we did it. .. for something good we have done, do people need to be bad to have fame or popularity? well maybe I'll leave that aside, now Angela and I are friends with the most popular girl in school, I'm so happy, finally I won't be able to be teased again and stuff like that, Victória seems really cool, at least in the last two weeks that The three of us hang out together, it's been fun and really cool to hang out with her.


- Mary: Hmm? Did the bus change to another road?

- Angela: Yeah, there's construction going on on the main road, relax, it'll be the same

- Mary: OK

- Victória: (Whispers) Angela! look at this girl's headphones, omg

- Mary: What are they whispering?

- Victória: Bro, look at this girl's fone! Hahaha

- Mary: Oh... the divergence sinal, what's up?

- Victória: Bro, HAHAHA


Victória was... different today, I'll admit, at a certain point I also started laughing along with her and Angela but... it wasn't cool to make fun of a neurodivergent person... hm


(School ringtone)

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