Searching the Hotel

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- Angela: Yeah, this place is so... empty and cold, and to improve the wind, oh, comb my hair for nothing

- Mary: Nevermind, now we need to find the girl, I hope she hasn't gone far

- Angela: Hmm, are we going left or right? This city seems so big

-Mary: Whatever (while looking to the left and seeing someone running down the road), wait, HEY! HEY! DONT RUN AWAY!

(Mary runs very quickly down the road and comes across a huge building, when looking at the door she sees that the person closes it at the same moment)


(Opens the large door of the building)

- Mary: Angela come on!

- Angela: what did it give you?

- Mary: didn't you see? It was the girl, I think she was running from us

- Angela: wow, I hadn't even seen her

- Mary: Um, it looks like we are in a hotel, a reception, behind some rooms, this is really abandoned and dirty

- Angela: Really, it seems that the fog also remains inside the places, saying so

- Mary: Yes, even with a coat it's still cold

- Mary: Ok, let's stop commenting on pugar and let's look for her


Angela went looking in some pantries or something like that, there were some empty boxes and cupboards, there were old and dusty tables, and some brooms and trash buckets, everything was in disarray, until I saw a newspaper page thrown on the counter:

"Detained by the authorities, Jerry Moris, a local worker at a recently opened shopping mall, working as an Easter bunny mascot, used his work as bait to kidnap children, more than 29 deaths were recorded between the years 1954 and 1962, the killer drugged his victims between 7 and 8 years old with cocaine and took them hidden in his car trunk, the place where he lived was in a hotel called: Hotel Sea View, which was known for its incredible view from the back where you could see a beautiful and beautiful sunset, the murderer and cannibalist lived in room 202 on the 1st floor, where he always had a rope hanging from his window, he jumped over the hotel wall with the victim in his arms and climbed the rope to your room" (The rest is torn)


- Mary: Umm... A-Angela, look at this... (Angela comes and takes the piece of newspaper) Bro a killer lived in this hotel

- Angela: Well now he's no longer alive

- Mary: Seriously Angela, (sigh) I'm even afraid to find the rest of the newspaper, I hate criminal cases, they're all horrible and grotesque

- Angela: well at least the ones you saw, I don't think there's anything wrong with that

- Mary: I feel like I'm a little afraid of men, once my uncle He forced me to stay close to him at family dinner and he was doing strange gestures with his legs, I felt so uncomfortable that I started crying and wanted to get out of there

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