Welcome to Silent Hill

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- Angela: What?

- Mary: Am, yes, don't you feel attracted?

- Angela: Huh, don't tell me you're making it up just because I just told you this, I don't even know if it's true but... wait

- Mary: what is it?

- Angela: I think you're right, we're in the fog world

- Mary: what the hell is that

- Angela: it means that you are already on a silent hill, it can also be a phenomenon in disturbed minds, the main characteristic of this is the person being involved in a fog, dense and... mysterious

- Mary: silent hill attracts people right? like you said, people with disturbed minds

- Angela: exactly... it's hard to believe this, still let's follow her

- Mary: OK

- Angela: but I'm scared... legends talk about limbo monsters in this city... but anyway, let's move on

- Mary: Do you think she has gone far?

- Angela: probably

- Angela: This fog is already irritating me

- Mary: Real, huh, what are we doing? Let's run, so we'll never catch her

- Angela: Oh, right

(A good while after running)

- Angela: (tired breathing) hah, hah, hahh huuu It's already giving me pain, I'm tired just from running this bit

- Mary: I understand you

- Mary: Wha-Wa-What?

- Angela: what the fuck is this?

- Mary: The rest of the road is completely collapsed, it seems like a meteor fell here and it's so destroyed!

- Angela: my goodness...

- Angela: It's completely inclined, it looks like a ramp, I think you can go down it carefully, but... how did that happen, wait, where did that girl go?

- Mary: I have no idea, but let's go down

- Angela: Yeah... but be careful


We carefully descend the destroyed and steep road, hm... it seems like it's preventing us from continuing to follow it or, from going to Silent Hill..., anyway, it doesn't matter, we only had difficulty going up the other slope, the road was looking like a "V".


- Angela: Mary help me here with this

- Mary: Ok, but... damn, now it looks like we're going to climb

- Angela: Don't worry, it looks like we only have to climb this and we're already on the flat road

- Mary: OK then (Mary helps Angela climb up with her hands pushing her foot up)

- Angela: Hah, wait wait, hold on Mary!

- May: Hah, I'm trying

- Angela: come up soon!

- Angel: Uhh (falls onto the road) I managed to climb

- Mary: Now help me here, okay?

- Angela: Of course (Angela extends her arm as far as possible and Mary grabs it so firmly that Angela even moves forward a little)

- Angela: Wow, you're strong today!

- Mary: Haha, sorry, (putting her foot down at a loss but quickly the stone falls)

- Mary: Ehh, now pull!

- Angela: OK!

- Mary: HA! (Mary scream/falls onto the road)

- Mary: Uhh, finally

- Angela: Yeah, I'm already hot haha

- Mary: Well... how high was this incline compared to what we went down

- Mary: Oh, it looks like we've reached our destination

- Angela: Hm, Welcom to Silent Hill, I'm impressed that the plaque is intact after centuries

- Mary: Well let's go look for her


We walked along a long road to the city, Angela and I were talking about the girl whose name we still don't know, literally Victória humiliated her at school and destroyed her drawings... people try to feel superior and strong but inside they are made of glass that is so fragile, in this case, it's me... I did something I never thought I would do to impress someone as if I'm someone strong and without problems in life, the one talking most was Victória and I just laughed with Angela, there was one day when Victória took off her headphones (her symbol of a neurodivergent/autistic person) and started listening to what she was listening to, some music or something, everyone laughed because Victória started trying to sing the music in a silly way...


- Mary: I had the idea of following her to see Victória bullying her to satisfy myself by laughing

- Angela: I feel that way too, once I gave Victória the idea of stealing her coat and making her get it at the end of the hallway...

- Mary: Damn... I just started laughing but I saw that she looked at me in a sad but vengeful way at the same time...

- Angela: How did I not see it? you were with us

- Mary: While I was laughing I realized I dropped the keys from my locker and looked behind me

- Angela: My God, I think we really need to apologize to her... she seems nice but we wanted to prove to Victória that we weren't just another failure, as Joe called them.

- Mary: I think I was the one who messed up the most in giving Victória the ideas, and I think she realized because one day she saw her in the bathroom looking at us from the corner, and she probably heard everything we said about her

- Angela: Ok, but now it doesn't matter, we have to apologize to her in this shitty city where you can't see anything in this fog!

- Mary: Good thing we brought a coat

- Angela: What's that on the road?

- Mary: Let's see


- Angela: It's a necklace!

- Maey: Wait, It's just like the pearl necklaces she wears

- Angela: Wow! true

- Mary: Oh... looks like we've arrived in town

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