Mischief and Mayhem

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Amelia hurried after him.

“We should be in class, Mr. Callaghan said if you were late again he’d-“

“Call my parents. Big deal. Come on darlin’ live a little.”

If he weren’t dragging her by the wrist she would’ve turned back to class.


John stopped at the window. Inside, the rest of his class sat painfully listening to the drone of Mr. Callaghan’s chemistry lecture.

“Doesn’t look like he misses us, does he?”

“I don’t know.” Amelia dared a peek inside. “I’ve never seen an emotion other than indifference on his face. Maybe anger when he’s dealing with you.”

“Everyone looks pretty bored in there.”

“Well, electrolysis isn’t known to be the most riveting subject.”

To Amelia’s dismay, John smirked.

“What, what are you thinking? I don’t like that smirk, John, it’s rooted in mischief.”

“They look dead is all. Let’s cheer ‘em up.”

And before Amelia could object to his troublesome plan, John pressed his nose and lips to the window and patiently waited for everyone to catch sight of him.

“Would you stop that,” Amelia scolded, trying her best to drag him away whilst remaining unseen. “All you’ll do is get us into trouble.”

“Who cares? What are they gonna do, suspend me?”

The glass steamed up with each word. By now the class had mostly noticed John and his snout-like nose squashed against the glass. A few small giggles and glances toward the window alerted Mr. Callaghan to his presence.

"Yes, they very well may!" Amelia panicked.

As soon as he was spotted, John pressed his tongue to the glass and snorted.

“Right!” screeched a rather peeved Mr. Callaghan. “That’s it.”

John dipped beneath the window. “Come on,” he dragged Amelia away. “He’s on his way.”

Amelia had no choice but to run with him. There was nowhere to hide, only a large field to run across.

“Where are we going? Shouldn’t we hide?” Amelia yelled.

“No, come on. Let's jump that fence.”


“Stop panicking for once in your life. Live a little!”

Mr. Callaghan appeared at the other end of the field, chasing after the young couple as soon as he spotted them.

Amelia went against every rational thought in her head and followed John.

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