
We were walking off the stage, and something felt off. I tried to look around the club, but I had to squint because the spotlights were still on. I couldn't really make anything specific out, but I could see the shape of Tony and his guards along with some other males. I didn't recognize their scent, but one of them smelled of power. I assumed he was an alpha. I didn't know who it was, but I just had this feeling that something big was happening. I furrowed my brow and walked off the stage.

The girls seemed to be oblivious to my mood change. They were all hyped up like they always were when we finished a song, but I just couldn't shake this feeling off.

“Seriously, it gets more fun every night,” Rachel said gleefully. She was the kind of girl who lived to be in the spotlight. She loved when all eyes were on her. She got her wish most of the time too since she was drop-dead gorgeous. She had brown hair at her shoulders, puppy-dog brown eyes, flawless skin, and a killer body. When I first met her, I figured she would be just like the girls from my pack, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out we had a lot in common. Plus, she was probably the easiest person in the world to talk to. She was the one that everyone went to when they had a personal problem.

Then, of course, there was Ava. Standing at about five foot two, with a platinum blond bob and pale blue eyes. She was one of the most gorgeous girls you could have ever imagined. She was also one of the most extraordinary. Why she hung with us, I would never know. She was a witch who was abused by her coven. They believed she was to be one of the strongest witches to have ever been born, so they had tried to use her ever since she was a child, forcing her to do magic beyond her level, working her until she would pass out. From what I knew, doing magic was extremely draining, especially when you didn't know how to wield it. So she left them as soon as she could.

“Yeah, we are so lucky Tony lets us do whatever we want,” Ava replied as we approached our dressing room behind the stage.

That was where Will was waiting for us. “It's got nothing to do with luck. It's because Tony wants in Lily's pants,” he said with a smirk.

I just shook my head at him and gave him the finger. He was my best friend, and he could be a jerk. To be fair, though, I treated him the same way. He was one of those guys that thought everything he said was the funniest thing on the planet. I'm sure at his old pack the girls fawned all over him and laughed at everything he said. You see, he was extremely handsome, with long chocolate-brown hair, brown eyes, height of six foot one, and more muscle than you could ever imagine. Even by shifter standards, he was considered buff. The females knew he would make a great mate. Personally, I had no interest in him like that. To be honest, I would be perfectly fine being mateless for the rest of my life.

Will didn't feel the same, though. He wanted to find his mate. He was a very loyal friend, and I would assume he would make a great mate one day. One of the reasons he was exiled from his own pack was that the alpha felt threatened by him. Will could have his pick of any mate, and he was stronger than his alpha. His alpha was always afraid that he would challenge him. (It's a law a lot of packs live by. It states that if you want to challenge your alpha for his position, you must fight to the death. The winner takes the role of the alpha, while the other rots in a grave, bringing shame to his family name.) The funny part was, Will had no interest in being an alpha, and I doubt his alpha could have forced him to leave, anyway. The real reason Will left was for his sister, Rachel. Their pack was trying to force her to marry someone who was not her mate. The guy also happened to be more than twice her age. While Will was strong, he didn't think he could take on a whole pack by himself.

That was us: the exiled, the runaways, the packless. Whatever you wanted to call us. They had become my family, though, and I was very lucky to have had them in my life the past two years. We hadn't stopped running since we met Ava. That was until about three months ago, when we stumbled upon this club.

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