My eyes bugged out, briefly. This was really bad. If he called all the alphas, it meant he called my alpha and Will and Rachel's. We had to get out of here, now. I glanced at Will, and he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking as he looked back at me. I couldn't let Tony know anything was wrong, though. So I gave him a small smile and grabbed him by the shoulder. He seemed to immediately relax.

“You called all the alphas…and told them to come here?” I reworded the information and spoke very slowly, just praying he'd say I misunderstood him. That wasn't what happened, though.

Tony looked apologetic, and I almost felt sorry that I was about to deceive him, but I didn't have a choice. I had to do what was best for my friends and me.

“I'm sorry, but I had to. You'll understand once we explain what's going on, but please, you have to meet with them,” Tony pleaded.

“Okay, Tony, I trust you.”

And there was a big part of me that did, but the bigger part was terrified to see my alpha again. I hadn't seen him since the day he tried to force me to be his mate. That day was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but instead it turned out to be my worst nightmare. Just the idea of seeing him again was breaking the floodgates of my brain. I had spent so many years blocking the memories, and now I was having flashbacks to that night. I gently touched my neck to feel for the bruises he left. Obviously, they had been gone long ago, but the disturbing memory they left might be worse than the physical harm ever was. I hadn't even told my friends the whole story; they just knew that he wanted me to mate with him and was willing to get what he wanted at all costs.

I shut my eyes and tried to force the memory out of my head. I tried instead to think of the day I met Will and Rachel. It was almost a year after I left Moon Stone. I had been living in the human world. I even got a job as a waitress at this little diner in a town called Waverly. It was a pretty small town, and the dynamics there were similar to those of Moon Stone. The females were expected to cook and clean, and the men brought home the bacon. The humans were even worse, though. If you ogled another wolf's mate, he'd literally rip your head off. I hated every second I spent there. Plus, human life was so mundane. It was the same thing every day: wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. I felt just as trapped as I did at Moon Stone. I desperately wanted to find something more. Not to mention I could never let my wolf free, in fear of the humans finding out what I was.

One day, I went out searching for somewhere to run. I had been walking all day when I stumbled onto the woods adjacent to Wild Fang. I walked far enough away from pack lands that no one should have discovered me. I stripped off my clothes and shifted. It was almost as painful as the first time. I guess my wolf half really didn't like being cooped up for six months. I ran for an hour, never stopping. I hadn't felt this free in a long time. I took in the setting sun on my fur. Then I felt as the moon rose above my head. Finally, I came to a stop when I realized how close I was to Wild Fang pack lands. I began to panic as two chocolate wolves approached me. I didn't know much, but I did know Wild Fang was Moon Stone's closest ally. If they caught me, they would send me right back to Alpha Erik. The two wolves seemed to be in awe of me, and I took a defensive stance against them. I didn't know if I should try running or hiding or what, but I needed a plan, and I needed it quickly.

Before I came up with anything, I heard a male's voice in my head. “Do you see her?” I later found out it was Will. Rachel's wolf nodded, but Will didn't take his eyes off me, seemingly in awe. Something inside myself said that I could trust them, but I wasn't willing to take the chance. Will was a large wolf; if he wanted, he could have dragged me back to Alpha Erik without even batting an eye.

My wolf kept her eyes trained on Will as Rachel spoke in my head. “She looks so scared.” They were still unaware that I could hear them in their wolf form. I tilted my head, wondering if maybe I was imagining things. The only way to hear a wolf when they were in wolf form was through a pack link or a familial link. Could it be possible they were related to me in some way? Before I could figure out the answers, Rachel shifted to her human form. I looked at the brown-haired beauty before me, wondering if I could trust her.

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