Chapter 35

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The nurse wheeled the twins into the room with the midwife behind her.

Nurse: "Hey Lucy, here are your babies. They are both very healthy and have been cleared to stay with you."

Lucy: "Can we know their genders?"

Nurse: "Okay, you have twin girls. A quick look into your histories have indicated that girls, especially twin girls are very common as your first children."

Tim: "Aw. But how is that possible, I already have my first children."

Nurse: "True but your genetics together have worked in mysterious ways. Are you ready to hold one?"

Lucy: "Yes please, could Tim hold the other one?"

Midwife: "That's fine, but the babies will need skin to skin contact as it helps calm the babies down. It regulates the baby's heart rate and breathing, helping them to better adapt to life outside the womb." The nurse picks one up and takes it over to Tim.

Nurse: "You're going to have to take your shirt off." Tim looked at Lucy which she gave a nod. He took his shirt off, the nurse passed the baby to Tim who held her in his arms. The midwife brought the other baby to Lucy and helped get her settled.

Midwife: "Be mindful of your stitches. You're only allowed to lift the anything that are the babies weight nothing more for six to eight weeks. It's important to keep moving after a C-section, but you also need to get enough rest so walking around is completely fine. In four to eight weeks, you should be able to do your regular activities." The nurse and midwife went through everything else they needed to know for when Lucy gets discarded.

Tim: "I'll be with her the whole time until she is cleared for work."

Nurse: "Perfect. We'll be back in ten minutes to assist in feeding the girls." They leave the room. Tim moves to sit on the bed with Lucy. After a bit of time they swap the girls so they were holding the other one.

Lucy: "Their perfect."

Tim: "They are. Want to talk about their names?" They were discussing names for the girls.

Tim: "What about we name one of the girls Phoebe?"

Lucy: "I love it, we'll name the one you were holding first Phoebe. Her middle name could be Rose?"

Tim: "I love it. Phoebe Rose Bradford, welcome to the family." Tim takes a hold of Phoebe and passes their other little girl to Lucy.

Lucy: "What about we name this little one Lexi?"

Tim: "I love it, her middle name could be May?"

Lucy: "Perfect babe. I can't wait to introduce Coco and Emily to these two." A little more time pass, then nurse and midwife reenter the room. Tim tells the nurse their names. The midwife instructs Lucy on what to do, Lexi did struggle to latch on so the midwife assisted and once so she was drinking.

Nurse: "Lexi is the smaller twin, so she may need more help."

Tim: "That's fine, we understand that as we have one that needs a little extra support."

Lucy then swaps with Tim and feeds Phoebe, she didn't need any help to latch on. Once the midwife and nurse were satisfied 

Nurse: "You are allowed to call your family to visit you." They left the room.

Lucy: "Can we call Angela so we can see our girls?"

Tim: "Of course, anything for you my love. Would you like our friends as well?" Lucy nods. Tim called Angela telling her that she is able to bring the twins, then he texted the others as well.

Angela went up to the room where Jack, Emily and Coco were all hanging out.

Angela: "Coco, Em, I have some news." Emily was getting worried.

Emily (worried): "Are our parents okay?" Angela ran over to her.

Angela: "I used the wrong words which I'm sorry for. Your father has called, we are going to the hospitals to see your parents and your siblings."

Emily: "Yeah?"

Angela: "Yeah let's go." Wesley and Angela got the kids in the car and drove to the hospital. When they arrive they see their friends in the waiting room.

Angela: "It's a party in here."

Grey: "Tim texted us letting us know we can visit. We are just waiting now." In Lucy's room, Tim gave Lucy Phoebe and gave all his girls on their head before leaving the room.

Tim walks through the hospital corridors to the waiting room where he saw all their friends there and their daughters. Tim emerges into the waiting room, Angela spots him first.

Angela: "Girls, you might want to turn around." They both look up at her then turned around.

Emily: "Daddy!" They both got up and ran together over to him, which he meets them half way and gives them a hug.

Tim: "Hey girls. You had a good time with your aunty?"

Coco: "Yeah we did."

Emily: "How's mummy?"

Tim: "She's well. She is a bit tired still but she and the twins are healthy. Your mum would like to see you, but first I shall say hi to our friends." Tim picks the girls up, walking over to the others.

Tim: "Hey, thanks for coming here."

Nyla: "Not a problem at all, you both are our family of course we want to be here."

Luna: "How's Lucy?"

Tim: "Lucy is all well and good, she is tired but we understand that. The twins are also healthy, we're excited to introduce Coco and Emily to their siblings."

Angela: "Go on Tim, text one of us when you're both ready for us to visit." Tim nods. Tim and the girls go to Lucy's room. He puts the girls down allowing them to wait until he walks into the room.

Tim: "Hey baby, I'm back and I have some visitors for you."

Lucy: "Okay babe, they can come in." Tim and Lucy both had smiles on their faces.

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