'SHY' 📖

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Jake isn't necessarily new to the school since he's now a Junior and joined Freshman year but due to the amount of people in the school he still has more to learn. One of the things he learned was his crush on Park Sunghoon. Sunghoon is the prettiest boy of the school. Both the girls and gays love him.

Though because of Sunghoons high standards, not everyone can have him. So Jake's friends suggested he'd wait until summer was over and start junior year to see if his feelings would still be there. If they were then they said they'd help him from there. Jake was definitely grateful for this since he still likes him.

Jake had just returned home from hanging out with his friends who gave him advice on what to do. They told him that Sunghoon wasn't going to fall for just anything. He's a romantic and luckily Jake is too. So flowers and a confession are not enough. Not because that isn't a good confession but because he's experienced that same one many times with different people. Due to Jake being a romantic, he had an idea quickly.

Love Letters.

They allow Jake to express his feelings and thoughts to no extent. Plus if Sunghoon really doesn't like them then he'll rip it up and Jake's answer will be clear. So for his first letter he knew it had to be a strong hook. He decided to not tell his friends about him starting them but they'd probably catch on anyway that he is the one writing them. If they want to read them then they'll have to ask Sunghoon.

Jake arrived early next morning at school and due to his aunt working in the front office, she opened Sunghoons locker for him and let him put it in with her supervision. They are allowed to do this as long as the student does not have the key and if they are there to supervise. Jake already explained what he was going to do to his aunt so she didn't mind and found it cute.

Sunghoon had books stacked on each other at the top of his locker so Jake leaned his letter against them so it would catch his eye. A nicely written 'Sunghoon' with a heart next to it on the front of the envelope. Jake nervously shut the locker and let his aunt lock it back up. This will either be Jake's best or worst idea ever.

So Jake's day started in homeroom. His friend, Jungwon, sits next to Sunghoon a few rows ahead of him. So when Sunghoon came in and told Jungwon he received a love letter, Jungwon waited until Sunghoon looked away and looked at Jake with a smirk. Though he still acted surprised and curious of who the writer would be.

"Are you going to read it out loud? Other students are talking loud enough that I don't think anyone but me will hear." Jungwon faced Sunghoon who faced him with a nervous smile.

"I can..." Sunghoon shyly and nervously opened the envelope and unfolded the letter,

"Face to face confessions may require more bravery but you seem to get so many that I wouldn't stand a chance. Letters seem to show so much more feeling, at least to me. I've heard you're a romantic, as am I. Nice to see we aren't extinct.

Anyway, I'll get to the point. I'm sure you've heard it many times but I think you're very pretty, Sunghoon. I see your heart as a heart of gold. You are beautiful inside and out. Meeting someone who is so sweet and good looking is rare.

I am quite scared of taking this slow and you getting swept off your feet by someone else but I hope you like this more than anyone else's confessions. So to avoid that happening I will tell you now. I'll confess who I am and my feelings for you on November 5th. A code word to tell it's me will be 'SHY'. Tell no one else but close friends of this date and code word to avoid other people trying to do this.

Write you later princess ;)
Sincerely your prince,
??? ???"

Sunghoon was a blushing mess. He folded back up the letter and put it safely in the envelope and into a pocket of his book bag. He covered his face as he kept facing towards the squealing Jungwon.

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