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     The overnight rain flooded the fencing court so the competitors all had to wait while the marshals moved the strips to higher ground. The delay did not improve anyone's mood. The team members were more anxious about how Hae-sung faired than any of their matches.

At the end of his first fencing match of the day, San Jin's opponent complained. "You didn't need to make it so obvious you found our match boring, not when we had the same sword-master for years."

San Jin stopped to take a closer look at the young man then blushed over not recognizing him earlier then mumbled, "Sorry, just a lot on my mind today."

"Yeah, well our coach is going to wonder where you picked up some of those moves. I mean what forms have you been practicing at your new training yard?"

"Survival," San Jin said quietly before being led away by In-Yeon. "Any word on Hae-sung?" he asked the young boy.

"Not really. They let Junseo in for a visit but he hasn't come out yet. There is some sort of fuss with the officials that Knight-Master Lei is dealing with. Something about our little working yesterday." In-Yeon tugged San Jin's sleeve to keep him moving toward the racetrack.

"Who is calling it a working?" San Jin whispered.

"I honestly don't remember anyone else using the term, it is just what I usually call dealing with more than one element. What's the problem?" In-Yeon kept his voice low.

"Calling anything a working makes what we did sound like sorcery. Besides competitors are not supposed to mobilize crystal energy never mind tap more than one element," San Jin raised his hand to stop the argument In-Yeon looked ready to launch. The boys slowed as the mud deepened near the racecourse. The confusing aftermath of the disastrous first race made it hard to find the other team members. Xuiyang grabbed the pair out of the crowd and took them to where Manager Doak waited with a horse from the Go stables.

"They are changing things up, letting the teams ride their own mounts today but it doesn't seem any safer out there," The man said passing the reins over to San Jin. The horse nickered and edged closer to her owner.

"How bad is it?" In-Yeon's voice shook with worry.

"They are still trying to get one of the horses back up on its feet and there is a rider with a broken arm." Manager Doak reported.

"We have time to put some wraps on my little lady then," San Jin nodded and the team went to work. When they were finished, he led his mare to the warmup area but did not mount. As they were making their way to the starting line he slipped, jerking the reins, causing his horse to throw her head into the air. "Sorry girl," he tried to sooth but the mare stayed on edge. In-Yeon offered a leg up but San Jin declined, saying, "I'm not risking my horse just for a ribbon." He held his horse back, watching the other racers struggling in the mud, crashing into each other, and the obstacles along the way. The ensuing chaos meant that even walking with his horse in hand, pausing where he would have normally vaulted on and off, earned San Jin a fourth-place finish.

"Good choice, walking like that," Manager Doak said nodding over to where the medical team was busy with some of the other contestants.

"Yeah, but I doubt this armor will ever come clean," San Jin said wiping his face with the back of his sleeve but only smeared more mud on himself.

"Just leave it with us," Xuiyang said pointing to a couple of the boys from his group who groaned quietly.

Junseo's armor was in no better shape by the time he finished his second fencing match of the day. He squeaked by on points in both matches and was still out of sorts after being sent away by the healers. The officials had warned them not to use crystals when he was around so he was only granted a short visit with his teammate.

Hae-sung had come-to long enough to ask how everyone was doing and extract Junseo's promise to try to win. "Don't let those city boys cheat us out of our place, not with the way they have behaved."

"What do you mean?" Junseo asked cautiously.

"There is no way a few bucks should have loosened the saddle. I checked the girth after I was mounted so don't let Song-hee take the blame." Hae-sung went on, "You tell him that for me, and Knight-Master Lei as well. The investigators need to check the equipment. You will tell them. Promise."

Junseo agreed and urged Hae-sung to stay calm. "We've got this. You just rest and get better. Listen to the healers." He straightened out the blankets and helped Hae-sung sit enough to drink through a straw but got hurried out of the tent as more injured arrived.

Chenhui waited to usher Junseo over to the score board where they watched the number of injured grow. "Man, this has turned into a real meat grinder. Is it always this bad?" Junseo wondered aloud.

"No usually," Scout Jia, spoke up from behind the boys and they both jumped. He continued, "Still, looks like you are heading into the quarter finals for the b-division in fencing. That is a very good result. The rest of the team is over at the stables, let them help you with your armor." Junseo thanked Scout Jia then relayed Hae-sung's message for Knight-Master Lei. Chen-hui waited until they were alone again before confirming what Hae-sung had said.

"We need to let the others know. I am still mad at Song-hee for giving into the Slack-harbor boys but if there was more to the accident," Chenhui paused then tapped his chin.

"Then San Jin could still be in danger," Junseo finished for the younger boy prodding them both into a jog. When he saw how much mud-covered San Jin, he rushed over to confirm his senior was alright.

"Don't fuss," San Jin complained but then accepted help with the stiffened buckles. Manager Doak urged both boys to rinse off and change into their doboks before handing over mugs of tea.

"Leave everything with us," Xuiyang pushed Chenhui over to where In-Yeon stood looking bewildered.

"But isn't that what seconds are for?" Chenhui asked the younger boy.

"Xuiyang says we are match seconds but they are equipment firsts so I guess we should just get our guys over to the mats," In-Yeon grinned at the group who were getting busy with the cleaning supplies.

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