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     Junseo led his team members up to the dormitory. San Jin paused in the doorway until In Yeon waved him in and patted a spot on the bed. Together they glanced at Hae-sung's empty spot and shuffled over to leave an empty space for their missing friend.

"I'm sorry we haven't had a proper chance to talk before this," Junseo started by explaining how he wanted each member to take turns sharing something they found difficult about the team's performance this past week. "I will start by saying there were a lot of times this past week we did not feel like a team at all and I have to admit I went ahead with my own decisions at the competition without checking in with you guys the way I should have." The silence following his words stretched longer than was comfortable.

San Jin cleared his throat, "It was hard enough knowing there were enemies circling without having to worry about what was being kept from me. I didn't need to know everything but a head's up about the gangs might have made things easier."

Song-hee squirmed and looked like he wanted to say something but Chenhui interrupted saying, "I'm sorry my Father caused such difficulties. I tried to get clear but he just doesn't listen."

"Scout Jia says he helped identify some of the bad actors and that he should be healed up enough to head home by the end of the week." Junseo reached over and patted Chenhui's leg. "My family hasn't exactly made things easier for us either. It felt like we had targets on our back after the opening parade."

"I just hate seeing you all going through hard times. Not just getting hurt but not trusting each other." In-Yeon started to choke up as he tried to explain what discord in their circle did to him. "I know Song-hee taking the marker saved me, saved all of us if San Jin's guards should be believed, so I should share the responsibility for what followed."

"Nonsense," Song-hee frowned and crossed his arms. He wasn't ready to say more but Chenhui bumped his shoulder. "I kept to the code I know but I should have been more open. Hae-sung knew what I was doing but we kept it on the down-low. That was wrong."

"What about trying to leave? Taking chances with the bombers?" Chenhui did not want to let Song-hee off the hook.

"Enough." Junseo frowned. "We are sharing our own feelings, not blaming others. I'll admit it hurts not to be trusted but I also understand not everything can be shared."

"Of course, you do." San Jin said with a crooked grin. Junseo tossed a pillow at the older boy's head and they were soon bopping each other hard enough to make feathers fly.

In-Yeon was the only one who noticed that Song-hee didn't join in the mock skirmish that followed. This worried the younger boy enough to make for a restless night. He tried to find a way to approach the quiet boy but they were all summoned to the workshop before morning practice.

Manager Doak and Journeyman Yang stood together dressed for travel, instructing the other team to get ready to leave by mid-morning.

Scout Jia showed up with a couple of the independent competitors from the tournament in tow and sent them to Brother Kuin for assessment. "I'll taken any who can challenge to a Level 5 with me for our first security contract," he said to the young men's backs. One nearly stumbled but his partner steadied him. He responded to the Knight-Master's questioning look. "What? There should be no surprise given what our clients would expect having Junseo on the team."

"Right. Well, we will have to rotate trainees into the security detail while the rest get started on the prince's commission." The Knight-Master announced before pointing to the materials laid out on the work bench.

"Crystal powered clock works?" Song-hee whispered,

"I've always wondered why there is so few used in the Capital. The basic frequencies are easy enough." Junseo picked up a couple of pieces.

"Rainbow-Maker Mein can explain it better but my understanding is there are lingering harmonic distortions from the attacks during the war of succession. You all need to be prepared for a lot of trial and error." The Knight-Master pointed to a stack of notebooks. The boy's all groaned.

"Why is it always bookkeeping first?" Chenhui muttered.

"Think of it as a way to improve your penmanship." San Jin teased but Junseo ignored their banter.

"When are we going to the palace to meet Rainbow-Maker Mein?" Junseo asked.

"He is due here just after lunch." Knight-Master Lei answered. "Its just one of the special conditions of the contract. He will be bringing the materials we will be testing. Oh, and I should warn you that like any Royal Commission we won't be getting shares or credit for any inventions developed under the contract."

"Would there normally be any?" Song-hee asked.

"No. Not under palace direction." Knight-Master Lei said.

"How do they get the best work from Makers then?" Chenhui looked puzzled.

"If they like the work, you get a symbol added to your seal showing royal favor." San Jin jumped in but seeing the doubt on the other's faces added, "It's all about building a reputation."

"Well put," Knight-Master Lei nodded. "There is not much return being creative without clients. Normally, I wouldn't consider signing over design registrations since they can bring in far more than building pieces but this is a special case. Now why don't you see what you might be able to make of these bits." He smiled warmly before leaving them to their tasks.

Scout Jia pulled him aside to ask what was going on. "Why are you sending Journeyman Yang off to the countryside when you have a commission?"

"His sources warned him of troubles brewing in the prefecture. I need someone mechanically minded checking the locks and levies and it is prudent for him to avoid the extra scrutiny from the protocol office our commission from the prince might entail."

"The later being the more urgent I presume," Scout Jia offered a mock salute.

"Our clients will also be inspected." Knight-Master Lei reminded his friend.

"Don't worry they will be at least as well vetted as the boy's families. Speaking of which have we heard any more from the Dowager's friend?"

"No but that reminds me, I would have expected someone from Junseo's family to check in with us by now." Knight-Master Lei turned and signaled for the boy to come over. When he asked about Junseo's uncle the boy just shook his head.

"My mother's family all avoid any hints of scandal and since I was present for at least two very public attacks, and am now under guard, I'm not in the clear." Junseo was ready to return to the workshop but could see both men were still worried so added, "Since I'm not enrolling in his school I won't be of much interest to my uncle. This is nothing new. He seems to think we are all somehow defective for living in the countryside."

Knight-Master Lei was ready to release Junseo but the boy's comments raised another question for Scout Jia, "You said at least two attacks. Were there more?"

"We have talked about this quite a bit. In-Yeon already told you about San Jin's horse catching the edge of an energy burst, then there was the mess at the end of the last group round. We probably weren't the only ones to notice. I mean I understand why Im Kwang-jo wouldn't carry on, but there was no obvious reason for Dong Chul and Son Li to pull out." Junseo's voice faded as Scout Jia started to pace up back and forth muttering under his breath.

"I want to believe things will settle down now the matches are finished but I have to admit the prince may have had a different aim with this commission. It may well draw more interest your way." Knight-Master Lei spoke softly.

"Lovely," Junseo said with a straight face.

"You are onboard with using our team as bait?" Scout Jia sputtered. "Just how long will the extra guard detail be in place?"

"Just for tonight, I expect, and whenever the Rainbow-maker visits." Knight-Master Lei admitted but then added, "For the record this was not of my choosing."

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