13 - advice

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Rubbing my eyes, I walked to the area where the challenges usually started. I didn't bother dressing up in something fancy, opting for baggy (f/c) pants, a white shirt, and some random (f/c) hoodie with a zipper. I kept my (f/c) beanie on, dragging my flute with me.

Jax somehow popped up next to me, smirking. "(Y/n), tell me honestly if you're tired."

My lips opened involuntarily as I spoke, succumbing to his will. "I'm tired."

"This is fun," he said. "Tell me honestly what made you so tired."

Before I could try and stop myself, my lips moved. "Dream and a nightmare."

His grin grew. "Aw, (n/n)ie was dreaming about unicorns and rainbows until all of them magical horses died."

"Shut up." I grumbled under my breath.

"Ooh, someone's feisty today. Unfortunately, you're in no position to be giving me commands. Stay still."

Suddenly, my limbs stopped moving. My digital muscles stopped working, staying in place while I desperately tried to get myself to move.

Jax circled around me like I was prey, and I couldn't help but feel vulnerable. I started breathing quicker, trying to squirm my way out of this invisible force that held me still, but to no avail.

The effects from Nico's nightmare were still there, and I didn't trust I wouldn't have something close to a panic attack.

"Ah, you're so pretty," he said, subtly checking me out.

I felt myself losing whst counted as air in this digital world. "Jax—"

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. "You can move now."

Immediately, I collapsed to the ground.

"Whoa!" said Jax in surprise. He caught me and gently eased me on the floor, his smirk long gone. "You good, mousie?"

I sneered at him. "Over the @+$&ing moon right now."

"Jeez, I'm sorry—"

"Save it for when you stop abusing your power." I walked away, frustrated. I spotted Ragatha, quickly running to her and hiding behind her, trying to get away from the periwinkle rabbit.

"Ragatha," I muttered. "Help me."

"Help what? Are you okay?"

Surprisingly, Jax didn't come after me, instead giving me one long look before leaving me alone. I sighed in relief, clutching the doll's dress tightly as letting myself sink to the ground.

"Whoa, (y/n)! You alright there?"

"I hate Jax," I muttered.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). Maybe I can try to help you?"

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Caine's loud voice boomed in the circus.

Long story short, we were going to do a three-legged race through an obstacle course. Thank me later for saving you from Caine's rambling.

"Now, you shall choose your partners!

"Bet," Jax smirked. "(Y/n), I command you to—"

"(Y/n) is my partner," Ragatha quickly interjected, cutting Jax off.

"(Y/n) and Ragatha will be working together!"

I sighed in relief as Jax fumed. "That's not—"

"Fair?" I snapped. "Who are you to talk about fair?!"

Jax winced, an expression of hurt quickly crossing his face before he cleared it. "Well in that case, Zooble here can be my buddy."

"I'm not even playing—"

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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