Chapter 5: I kissed a girl and I like it.

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Anastasia's heart fluttered as she saw Bellatrix waiting for her, a warm smile spreading across her face. She hurried towards her, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending time together.

"Bella!!" Anastasia exclaimed, her voice filled with joy as she wrapped her arms around Bellatrix in a tight embrace.

"I miss you baby," Anastasia murmured, her lips forming a playful pout.

Bellatrix couldn't help but chuckle at Anastasia's adorable gesture. "Cute," she whispered, her heart swelling with affection.

They stood there for a moment, lost in each other's embrace, before Bellatrix gently pulled away, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I brought some food," she said, holding up a bag filled with delicious treats. "Shall we go find a cozy spot to enjoy it?"

Anastasia nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Hand in hand, they made their way to a secluded corner of the park, where they spread out a blanket and settled down to feast on the goodies Bellatrix had brought.

As they laughed and chatted, Anastasia felt a deep sense of contentment wash over her. In that moment, surrounded by good food and even better company, she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be - in Bellatrix's arms, soaking up every precious moment of their time together.

"Can I hug you?" Bellatrix asked Anastasia.

"Of course you can," Anastasia replied. They both stood up and embraced each other in the park. Fortunately, it wasn't too crowded, which Anastasia was thankful for; there was a small chance that anyone would recognize her there. They didn't speak, simply enjoying the feeling of being together. Bellatrix moved Anastasia's hair aside and leaned closer to her neck. Anastasia felt a jolt of electricity but remained calm. Bellatrix's lips brushed against her neck, eliciting indescribable sensations. Bellatrix looked at her with love and said, "I love you, Anastasia." Anastasia kissed her forehead and hugged her again.

Anastasia thought the neck kisses were done, but she was mistaken. Bellatrix moved Anastasia's hair again and kissed her neck once more. She whispered into Anastasia's ear, "Can I kiss you? On the lips."

"Not here, baby. There are too many people," Anastasia replied. Bellatrix nodded and continued kissing Anastasia's neck, giving one last kiss before saying, "It's getting late. You need to go home already."

"Okay," Anastasia agreed, though her legs felt weak from the overwhelming emotions. Bellatrix held her waist as they walked to the parking lot. They got into the car, and Bellatrix pulled Anastasia closer, kissing her neck once more. She whispered again, "Can I kiss you on the lips?" looking into Anastasia's eyes.

"Not right now, baby. I'm not ready," Anastasia replied. "It's okay, I understand. Take care, okay?" she added, waving goodbye as she got out of the car.

Bellatrix was at home when she received a message from Anastasia. "Wala sila mama at papa tomorrow, come here and I'll give you the thing you wanted to get kanina pa," Anastasia's message read. "I'll sleep na okay? see you tomorrow, I'll send the location of my house," she added.

Bellatrix couldn't contain her excitement at the thought of seeing Anastasia tomorrow. She eagerly awaited the location of Anastasia's house and looked forward to kissing her.

Bellatrix arrived at Anastasia's house and sent her a message, "Ana, I'm here." Anastasia came down to pick her up, wearing shorts and a sleeveless top. Bellatrix couldn't take her eyes off Anastasia's body as they headed up to the living room.

Anastasia was busy working on a PowerPoint for her presentation while Bellatrix's hand rested on Anastasia's legs. With only the two of them in the house, soft music played in the background. Bellatrix couldn't control herself any longer and pulled Anastasia closer, holding her legs. Anastasia teased her by looking into her eyes and pouting her lips.

"Can you please finish that and kiss me already?" Bellatrix said, her voice filled with longing.

Anastasia moved her laptop aside and looked at Bellatrix She couldn't control herself any longer and kissed Anastasia on the lips. Anastasia, feeling uncertain and inexperienced, didn't respond to Bellatrix's Kiss. Bellatrix paused and said "Kiss me, please."

"I don't know how," Anastasia admitted.

"Sabayan mo lang ako," Bellatrix encourage.

Bellatrix kissed Anastasia again, this time guiding her. They continued kissing, and Bellatrix gently pulled Anastasia down onto the sofa. Lost in the moment, Bellatrix suggested, "Tara sa kwarto mo." They both stood up and headed to Anastasia's room feeling an intense connection.

They continued kissing inside Anastasia's room. "Can you remove your top?" Anastasia nodded. Bellatrix helped her take it off. Bellatrix kissed Anastasia's Shoulder, trailing kisses up her neck.

They lay down on the bed, with Bellatrix on top of Anastasia. As they continued to kiss, Bellatrix's hands moved gently over Anastasia's body, exploring every curve.

"You're making me crazy, baby. I want you more" Bellatrix said while catching her breath.

Anastasia pulled away slightly, her lips curving into a smile. "I love you even more, mi amor"

Bellatrix looked confused. "Ha? I didn't say I love you, baby."

Anastasia's checks flushed with a shy smile. "It's an answer to all the 'I love you' you said that I didn't reply to, "she explained softly, her eyes filled with love.

Bellatrix kissed her more passionately, then slowly pulled down Anastasia's shorts. "Can I?" she asked, her voice was husky.

"Just outside the undies, Bella." Anastasia replied, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps.

Bellatrix removed Anastasia's shorts and began touching her intimately. The sensation was overwhelming. "Stop muna, wait lang." Anastasia said, catching her breath..She shifted, and in a moment, Bellatrix was beneath her with Anastasia on top. Unable to control herself Anastasia kissed Bellatrix's neck, leaving love marks. "I mark what mine, and your mine" Anastasia whispered.

They continued kissing passionately as Bellatrix's fingers moved expertly, drawing moans from Anastasia. "ughhh- ughhh, more don't stop." Anastasia peeled, kissing Bellatrix deeply. Their kisses were filled with love and intensity.

"Do you wanna rest, baby?" Bellatrix asked gently. Anastasia nodded and they settled into each other's arms, falling asleep.

Anastasia woke up wearing her top and shorts. "She dressed me. that's good." she said. But Bellatrix was not beside her, looking outside, she saw Bellatrix drinking water.

"You're awake. Do you want some water?" Bellatrix said.

"No thanks, can you come here?
Anastasia asked seductively. Bellatrix walked towards her and kissed her hard.

"Stop with that voice, Anastasia or I can't control myself" she said. Anastasia laughed and said, "Sorry baby."

Bellatrix sat in a chair as Anastasia sat on her lap, applying lip tint. "Do you want some?" Anastasia asked, Bellatrix nodded. Anastasia applied the liptint to Bellatrix's lips.

"That's not how you apply liptint darling" Bellatrix teased. Anastasia immediately kisses Bellatrix lips. "Is that better?" she asked.

"So much better, You're getting good at this," Bellatrix said. "Of course, you taught me" Anastasia replied and continued kissing her. Suddenly Bellatrix carried her to the bed, kissing her and exploring her body with his fingers. Anastasia guided Bellatrix's hand to her most intimate area.

"Play me like I'm your guitar" she said breathlessly. As they continued kissing, Anastasia became overwhelmed by the sensations. She moaned loudly. "ughhh"

Are you satisfied?" Bellatrix ask. Anastasia nodded, kissing her one last time.

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