Chapter 3: Missed Connections and New Beginnings.

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Amidst the bustling event at Anastasia's school, she found herself completely engrossed in her duties as a photographer for the multimedia arts course. With her performance also looming, she barely had a moment to spare, let alone check her phone.

Meanwhile, Bellatrix, determined to see Anastasia, made her way to the school. Meanwhile, Bellatrix watched from a distance, admiring Anastasia's beauty as she moved gracefully through the crowd, capturing moments with her camera. However, before she could approach Anastasia, she was called away by someone on stage, her chance encounter slipping through her fingers. Disappointed, Bellatrix retreated to her friends but couldn't resist capturing some photos of Anastasia from afar.

"You really look gorgeous. I will court you, just wait," she whispered to herself.

As Bellatrix's three hours of free time dwindled, she watched Anastasia perform on stage, As Anastasia took to the stage to perform, Bellatrix couldn't help but marvel at her beauty and talent. However, before she could muster the courage to approach her, it was time for Bellatrix to return to her own school. Still, she managed to send a message to Anastasia, expressing her concern and admiration.

Meanwhile, Anastasia found herself overcome with hunger and exhaustion as the day wore on. Despite Bellatrix's attempts to reach out and check on her, Anastasia was too preoccupied to respond, even as the rain began to pour outside. She soldiered on, fulfilling her responsibilities until the event's conclusion.

Finally, as the event came to a close. She drove her car as fast as she can, Finally she's home.
Anastasia greeted her parents before collapsing on the sofa, too exhausted to even make it to her room. She briefly glanced at her phone, flooded with messages from her concerned friends, including Bellatrix. Too tired to reply, Anastasia simply fell asleep, her mind filled with thoughts of the day's events and the messages waiting for her.

Anastasia woke up in the middle of the night, disoriented and wondering why she was in the living room. Looking at her side, she saw her parents sleeping nearby. She sat up, feeling like she was searching for something. Her eyes landed on her headphones, and she realized she was craving the comfort of Bellatrix's voice.

She opened her messages and saw Bellatrix's worried texts. She quickly typed out a reply, "Sorry di na ako nakapag-chat, masakit na kasi talaga ulo ko. Napagod ako ng malala sa event kanina. Sorry talaga."

To her surprise, Bellatrix replied almost immediately, "It's okay. Are you alright na? Masakit pa ba din ulo mo?" Her concern was evident in her words.

Anastasia felt a wave of relief wash over her. "I'm okay na, but Bella... hinahanap ko boses mo," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

Within moments, her phone rang. Bellatrix was calling her. Anastasia answered, "Hello?"

"Hi, Ana. I'm here. Gusto mo ba mag-usap?" Bellatrix's voice was soft and soothing.

"Yes, please. I just needed to hear you," Anastasia admitted, feeling a sense of calm as they talked.

They spoke for a while, and the sound of Bellatrix's voice made Anastasia feel at ease. Eventually, she felt her eyelids growing heavily again.

"Thank you, Bella. I feel better now. Goodnight," Anastasia whispered.

"Goodnight, Ana. Take care and rest well," Bellatrix replied gently before they ended the call.

Anastasia lay back down, her headphones still in her ears, and drifted off to sleep with a contented smile on her face.

Anastasia was feeling okay in the morning. She smiled when she saw her parents sleeping in the living room. Moments after her parents woke up, her mom touched her head to check her temperature. "Anastasia? Okay kana ba?" her mom asked.

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