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After talking with Kaji, Sakura started wondering the tightrope he had always walked on alone, the tension and the ragged breaths he has had to face all his life alone, being always scared of falling, what if he didn't have to walk this path? What if there was a place where he can stand freely and be accepted by others for who he is?

So with hope and a bit of self hatred in his heart still, he walked the rest of the way to the classroom where he was greeted by his classmates with excitement. Nirei, Suo, Kiryu and Tsugeura all surrounding him and asking after his health and wondering if he felt better. Kiryu joking that he didn't think Sakura could get a fever after the fight and Tsugeura retorting that it's mean and that he has had fever like that too though for him it was by training too much.

He absorbed the attention relishing it a while longer fearing it would all disappear after they see him for the disappointment he is.

When Nirei's concerned voice broke through his mind asking if he was still feeling sick, he decided to finally speak recalling Umemiya and Kaji's advice.

"I...." Sakura began. "I have something to tell you guys."

When he saw he had everyone's attention, he looked downwards and just decided to rip the bandaid off at once and the words came spilling out.

"I had always thought that it's just normal for me to do everything by myself, I thought that's how life should be but...I failed. What's worse I took out my failure on you guys, I snapped at you. I'm weak and a poor excuse of a man, having someone like me as grade captain will only disappoint you guys. But still that's who I am and I know that like last time again I'm gonna cause trouble for you all so ...so I'm sorry." Sakura let himself fall from the tightrope closing his eyes ashamed and scared to see the looks of hatred and disgust on his classmates' faces. Surely they would realise what a disappointment and worthless person he was now.

He didn't see the looks of shock, concern and a bit of anger and hurt on his classmates' faces who cared for Sakura more than he knew.

But before he could know what they would say, he got kicked harshly in the back by Sugishita.

"S-S-Sakura-san" Nirei stammered worriedly while Sakura snapped at Sugishita, "That hurt! What are ya doing."

Sugishita deadpanned. "It's your fault for standing there."

"Nice Sugishita" Yelled his classmates and Sakura's heart dropped. See? What did he expect, they hate him now..

But he was brought out of his self deprecating thoughts by Anzai's voice which though angry wasn't malicious. Huh?

"I feel almost insulted, Sakura-kun", Suo's voice rings out
through the silence that had fallen upon sakura's apology.

"that was mean, Sakura-chan'", Kiryuu said next.

"Sakura-san..." Nirei murmured in pain.

"There ain't any virtue in that." tsugeura frowned.

Sakura looked up hearing Anzai's and his friends/ classmates' voices after Anzai and his friends finished with their light jabs and kicks.

"You dumbass so what if you're lame? You think you are owning up to being a lameass and a disappointment, guess what nobody gives a rat's ass about it." Anzai said a bit angry at Sakura and hurt at how he thought he would be abandoned for disappointing them. Sakura needs to learn that nobody will leave him, everybody cares for him and loves him for who he is. He will kill those nasty thoughts with cold hard truths.

Sakura was now looking at Anzai, a bit confused and a tiny glimmer of hope flashing in his heterochromatic eyes wanting to believe things are different here at Furin.

Anzai continued."How can we abandon you just because you disappointed us when we see how much you too hurt when something hurts us? How you dive head first into trouble in order to protect someone without caring if it's Furin's business or not. If a person is in need of help, you help them, you protect them like you did for me, Nagato and Tsuchiya. Guess what bro we see you for who you are and you are stuck with us."

Sakura had a heart breaking expression on his face like a child being shown affection for the first time, his eyes held so much hope and relief that it tugged at Class 1-1's hearts.

Anzai gave a reassuring smile to Sakura and to lighten the mood suggested a get together after school so that Sakura can get to know them better.

Immediately everyone went ballistic with what to eat and then Anzai told Sakura to pick what he wants to since its about him today.

Suo further encouraged him to pick whatever he likes to eat. 'Sakura was hesitating and everyone could see that. Maybe they were coming off too strong? Should he scold Takanashi and the others to tone it down a bit?' Anzai thought.

But then they saw Sakura let out the tiniest of smiles and he nervously looked at everyone and whispered, "Omurice... I want to eat Omurice", and Anzai smiled.

"Let's go to Pothos everyone since it makes the best Omurice." Takanashi loudly yelled.

"Will it even seat us all?"Someone from the back said.

"Ehh Kotoha-chan might be a bit angry but we will convince her don't worry." Anzai said sheepishly.

And going to Pothos and sharing each other's source of fears while interacting with Sakura and teasing Suo about Natto made them all witness the most beautiful scenario they had seen.

Sakura Haruka's laugh. It was not a loud sound, rather airy and soft but it was so cute and made their grade captain who flushes red so easily more adorable. They all stared and Sakura seeming to realise it puffed up all defensive like a feral cat, "WH-AT!"

"Suoooo now you have to eat Natto for Sakura-chan's sake, it will make him laugh again."

Suo diverted the attention from the Natto topic and complimented Sakura, "Sakura-kun don't listen to them, your smile is worth a lot more than Natto."

Meanwhile, Kotoha stood by the counter smiling at the events occuring before her.

I'm happy for you Sakura.

That day one thing was set in stone for Class 1-1 that Sakura needs to be protected. They will all shower him with so much love and affection that he will never ever think he's not worth it and a disappointment again.

Class 1-1 vowed to protect their feral cat that day. Seeing their always arrogant and proud grade captain with so much insecurities after the KEEL fiasco had opened their eyes to many things off about Sakura and until he is ready to open up about them. They will all wait and shower him with the love he deserves.

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