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After Kiryu gave him a tour of his house. They finally settled down in his room which was really spacious and filled with games, manga, music CDs... honestly he shouldn't be that surprised, Kiryu loved gaming and more often than not was listening to music on his airpods.

It was also cute in a way. Certainly matched Kiryu's personality. His friend's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "So did it match your expectation Sakura-chan?" Kiryu asked with a cheeky smile to which Sakura just grumbled while his lips gave a twitch suppressing his fond smile but he thinks Kiryu caught on to his fondness anyway.

He was pushed further into the room on Kiryu's bed and being alone with his friend for the first time alone in a spacious room suddenly filled Sakura with trepidation and a bit of unwanted thoughts circled around his head which he shouldn't be feeling. He was concentrated on the way Kiryu was alone, carefree, sweet and relaxed, with a cute smile, his pink locks free without his clips or hairtie holding them back from framing his face. He had only seen Kiryu with his hair loose after the KEEL fight where he was far too distracted with his worsening mental state and the fight to focus on his friend's more appealing looks. So he stared at his friend subtly taking it all in whole Kiryu went on to explain the different mangas he had collected since middle school. He did pay attention to what he was saying despite how distracted his friend's prettiness was making him.

Fuck... thoughts don't go there.

But he thought back to that day where he witnessed a side of Suo and Kiryu that made him realise that his seemingly aloof friends did get angry when their own was hurt, did have sore spots they didn't like being brought up such as Kiryu's feminine stature or the way he dresses, looks and fights or how Suo's anger is a quiet, simmering anger that gets let out like a tornado on its path to destroy everything in its way. But he also noticed how Suo got calmed down after he stopped him from going overboard and how Kiryu despite totally decimating his opponent for underestimating and badmouthing him for his feminine looks knew when to stop and still be worried about others and him later. He would never get how they could forget everything they were doing just so they could help him. He supposes he has an idea but does he even deserve them?

No, it's better not to bring his life's trauma into their lives and burden them with it. Being friends with them was enough. He won't let them down since they relied on him as grade captain and well a friend, he supposes.

Nirei would smack him if he knew he was doubting their friendship and care for him right now.

He zoned in to listen to how Kiryu didn't get to buy the latest merchandise of his favourite pop band yet since it all got sold out but he will definitely have it by next week when it gets re-stocked.

Sakura just hummed along. Kiryu seemed to notice his staring though. Looks like he was not as subtle as he thought. "Sakuraaa-chan ~ is there something on my face? You're staring a lot."

The bastard teased him which made him immediately flustered and snap at him. "No..n-oo...im not staring or anything....you... you are just distracting..." Sakura mumbled the last part embarrassed and frustrated at his ability of being unable to lie. He just hopes he didn't listen to the last part.

"Oya? Sakura-chan finds me distracting." And fuck the little shit sounds so smug.

"maybe.." Sakura grumbled.

"Ohhh?" Kiryu smirked and leaned closer to Sakura's face. The sudden closeness made Sakura gulp. Kiryu's stare became intense and he whispered, "Say Sakura-chan, what about me makes you distracted. Is it my eyes?"

"Or perhaps my hair?"

"Or is it something else entirely?" Kiryu smirked while his glance seemed to take in all of Sakura's features and finally landed on his lips. The direction this was going wasn't lost on Sakura. Kiryu was looking at his lips like he wanted to devour him. He was flirting with Sakura.

To say the least, Sakura wasn't opposed to where this was going at all but skinship has always been hard for him, it has always been used to hurt him before. Families mostly avoided him when he was in their care. He didn't remember positive affection shown to him since....

Sakura shook those thoughts away and focused on Kiryu's close proximity and he blushed at the closeness. But there was still a hint of fear and hesitation reigning his mind from his past bad experience with physical contact and proximity.

Kiryu was fascinated at how red Sakura could get sometimes, he was entering dangerous territory here. There was no going back if he crossed this line now and seeing Sakura not averse to whatever direction this was going made Kiryu hopeful. But Kiryu will not take advantage of Sakura, he could still see the fear and hesitation in his eyes despite him not jumping away or getting defensive from Kiryu's closeness.

He was hopeful of something further more than the label of friendship between them. But not today I guess, he will wait until Sakura gets more comfortable with his advances and touches.

He leaned in close a bit more and whispered near Sakura's lips, "Sakura-chan, you're so pretty, have I told you that?" Kiryu cupped Sakura's cheek with his hand and caressed it softly, his fingers tracing the soft pale skin of his crush that was a pretty red at their proximity.

Sakura's heart thudded in his chest at the compliment and at Kiryu's touch. He still was not used to all this affection and honest admissions. He still felt insecure over his looks but class 1-1 seemed to be the outlier. Actually no scratch that the whole of Bofurin...no, the whole of Makochi and Shishitoren both were crazy to think he was pretty but it didn't change the way how his heart felt warm at their honest compliments.

"No.." Sakura mumbled.

"Mmmh? seems like i have to rectify that then." Kiryu replied and then smirked at him, leaning in close to whisper in Sakura's ear, "you're so beautiful, pretty and cute, Haru-chan." Sakura shivered at the sensation of Kiryu's breath upon his ear and the use of his given name. The words said so full of meaning and with a barely- restrained desire that it took his breath away.

Kiryu leaned back and smirked at Sakura's reaction, "Oh, does Haru-chan like being praised?"

Sakura spluttered at that and vehemently denied it while grumbling, "Shut up you dumbass."

"Oh? I don't think I will. I'm having so much fun Haruu-chaan~" Kiryu said teasingly.

Sakura just groaned and flicked Kiryu on the forehead. "Stop calling me that, idiot."

At that Kiryu became serious and looked at Sakura analysing him for any discomfort he might be feeling due to Kiryu using his given name without asking for permission. "Does it bother you? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable using your given name without permission Saku-chan, I'll stop."

Sakura sometimes gets whiplash at the way Kiryu can go from being playful to analytical and serious in a second. It was daunting to say the least but the concern he could feel in Kiryu's words made him embarassed. He didn't mind Kiryu calling him by his first name. Noone has ever called me that except..her.

Sakura shook his head and replied, "It's okay.... I guess, use it if you want to, I don't mind ..but don't be so ....urgh... teasing while saying it. It's embarassing, stupid."

Kiryu looked shocked at the permission but then he smiled with fondness and chirped out a 'okay'. Before they could talk any further though, Kiryu's phone suddenly started ringing.


(a/n: oh man i really shouldn't have made this a long fic and stuck to my original idea of writing oneshots....this story is writing itself i ve no idea where its going and gonna go. I just wanted to see some interactions and scenes happening that i had imagined but writing it systematically has probably turned it into a mess. Eh i will go drown myself in another writer's block after this chapter. I'll try to update soon but eh depends if the ideas come to me. Enjoy for now!)

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