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"I come back with guests~" Kiryu cheerfully said while entering his room where Sakura was waiting on his bed. At their entrance though, he met their eyes and waved shyly with his normal grumpy expression which fooled noone as his eyes betrayed his excitement. But then as if taking the number of people, he too frowned like Kiryu.

Since Kiryu was observing Sakura's expression, he decided to clarify the absence. "Apparently Tsuge-chan forgot he was helping out at Muscle Power today so he couldn't come. It will be fine though we will still have plenty of fun, Tsuge-chan can experience this next time."

"oh .."

"Yo Sakura-kun you seem excited for today." Suo said with a shit-eating smile.


"Saku-chan don't betray me like that, is my hospitality lacking today?" Kiryu fake cried. But Sakura took it at face value and panicked while waving his hands in a 'no' motion.

"He's just teasing Sakura-kun" Suo said putting a stop to Sakura's movements and panic. "You don't have to be ashamed of being excited you know? We are excited too." Suo smiled calmly which made Sakura's heart stutter.

"Suo-chan! Help me pick out what game we should play first. I have many."

"Oh sure Kiryu-kun." Suo smiled and both of them started searching the right game to play first. They had to keep in mind that Sakura hasn't ever played games before so it should be something easy but interesting. Both were oblivious to the thoughts running through the other two too focused on their search.

Having both of their attention off him, Sakura was internally panicking now, he at first was relieved that Tsugeura would be there, proximity with all his crushes in the same room though with noone as a buffer? He felt like he was just left to the wolves to feast upon him. Sakura gulped but didn't let it affect how he acted. At least Nirei was there, he can just hide behind Nirei. They can survive this together. Speaking of the blonde, Sakura met his eyes and they both seemed to share a commiserating look between them hidden from the other two.

Yes, they totally understood each other. They weren't idiots despite what Nirei's naivety and Sakura's inexperience with affection or social situations might indicate. Sakura's romance radar never lied even in regards to himself.

Nirei was really observant about little details that people tend to ignore and so despite being naive he did catch on to the different behaviour of Suo-san, Kiryu-san and even Sakura-san. But he felt a little bit less spooked out confronting his feelings when it came to Sakura maybe because despite being an outsider, Sakura was the first one to consider Nirei a pretty cool person even when he acted so lame before him. Sakura was his first friend and also emotionally he was just learning to open up so talking about his feelings for Sakura was much easier than the rest.

Though Nirei was surprised when the day he confessed to Sakura, Sakura's romance radar made an appearance for himself too which made the situation a bit awkward at first but when Nirei realised the feelings were mutual, he calmed down. They weren't dating yet per se considering they both had feelings for Suo and Kiryu too but they sure got more close over the last week. They just decided not to put a label on them yet and see where it goes while figuring out their feelings for their other two friends as they both were pretty sure they weren't misreading the hints being sent towards them.

After all, Suo was cornering Nirei more often than not these days while Kiryu stuck to Sakura which made them suspicious that both were doing that deliberately.

Sakura confessed that seeing Nirei hurt during the whole KEEL fiasco was a wake up call for his feelings towards the boy. Though Sakura's self esteem didn't let him have the courage to confess first. He was just planning to pay attention and protect the other boy as much as he could without giving himself away which made Nirei burst into tears and bravely hug his grade captain but he then also proceeded to lecture Sakura about how amazing he was and not to talk bad about himself.

So in this situation, Sakura and Nirei were left to try to untangle the mess of emotions that were running through the four of them, two being already somewhat solved as they knew about their feelings for each other already.

But where did that leave Suo and Kiryu?

What if Suo only liked Nirei and Kiryu only liked Sakura?

What if Suo was only being nice and not actually flirting with him?

What if Kiryu and Suo felt disgusted of them because of them having feelings for more than one person?

These thoughts were eating them both up. Nirei shuffled closer and murmured, "What a mess this is Sakura-san."

Sakura sighed. "I hope I don't end up doing something stupid tonight. This is gonna be a disaster."

Nirei gulped, the realisation of being with his crushes overnight hitting him full force, "Oh this is so gonna be a disaster."

Just then, Kiryu and Suo turned towards them each calling them to sit near them handing them two consoles. Sakura just looked lost and resigned, "What are we playing?"

"Animal Crossing." They both grinned and even Nirei perked up.

This was gonna be a long night.

(a/n: so the chapter kinda ran away from me and uh yes Sakura and Nirei are already in a not-relationship cuz they're waiting but they also didn't put a label to them and just decided to go with the flow, first they're just getting to know each other these days by hanging out together.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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