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chaos gang

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Sakura's phone pinged continuously making him a bit annoyed and look at what was happening. He tapped on the 'chaos gang' gc to see what his idiot 'friends' were talking about.

i was wondering do ya guys wanna come over to my house for a sleepover and game night today?

gaming a notable virtue count me in, kiryuu!

sure! if it isn't a bother just text us your address later. we will be there.

that's an amazing idea, kiryuu-san, i love gaming but are you sure? your parents won't mind, right? we don't want to be a bother.

nirei-chan i invited you didn't I? it's fine you guys won't be a bother besides my parents are away on a business trip so im alone at home anyway and it sucks :((

oh...that must be lonely dw we will keep you company.

yep ill bring my favourite tea blend and some snacks.

ill bring you something to eat for your muscles 💪

oooh games...i so badly want to come but i have a hangout planned today with nagato sorry guys maybe next time i can come too? you guys enjoy.

ohh 😯 we will miss you anzai-san but maybe we can have another one in future you enjoy with nagato-san.

T-T you guys are so sweet! and its fine anzai-chan there will be a next time im sure you enjoy.
oh btw sakura-chan? you there? you are coming too right?
sakuraaaa -channn~
sakuraaaaaaaa-chaaannnn~ you will come right?

sakura-kun kiryuu kun is being so sweet, you can't possibly say no to him right?

sakura-san, kiryuu kun is alone, let's give him company, ill teach you how to play the games too if you're worried about that.

heyy! im the host and the pro at games i can teach him nirei you don't have to. saku-chan? come please.

Sakura read all this with flushed cheeks, why are they all being sweet and pouty...urghh. Sakura's heart was rapidly beating, he didn't understand this feeling. It was fluttery and warm. A feeling of satisfaction and contentment that he was being included. So he quickly typed his answer. Better answer them before they bombard him with calls or break down his door which doesn't even have a lock anyways and will probably be too easy for them to break down.

fine...ill come..
idk how to...urm
probably play the games tho so idk what use i'd have coming..

bad thoughts PERISH!

sakura -san ill teach you how to play and it doesn't matter if you dk how to play or even suck at it, we just want to spend time with you.

yess! ill teach you too, it'll be sm fun today. and even if you suck there's lots of things we can do besides gaming at a sleepover anyway. so dw and oh everyone bring some sleepclothes with you, im not sure if mine will fit...you guys maybe sakura and nirei might fit but well don't take chances with that.

ok...ill be there. do i have to bring anything snacks and all?

you don't have to sakura-chan im the host after all but you're free to bring anything you want. same applies to suo-chan, nirei-chan and tsuge-chan.

at what time should we come?

come by 6
don't come late so we can spend time together much longer guys.

Sakura smiled a genuine smile at the conversation and closed his phone after typing a final 'ok' and checking if he had any other messages to go prepare for the day. Maybe he could convince Kotoha to pack some Omurice for them? He will try.

He was still shocked at his luck that they wanted to be his friends, he now had so many contacts on his phone. He was in 4 different gcs one was supposed to be for official bofurin stuff with the 4 kings, and every team's grade and vice captains but Umemiya hardly knows the meaning of official and is his goofy self there too. He mostly ignores the chat unless Suo or Nirei tells him its important he doesn't roam around the chat much and well sometimes he does when he is mentioned or just when he wants to soak up the way his friends and seniors communicate and well sometimes he has fun snapping at Umemiya for his stupidity. The guy is funny and so kind and warm, not that he would admit that to anyone. He likes being...called a little brother if that's how older brothers are, he doesn't mind.

Another gc was the Tamon team gc it was mostly spared from Umemiya's shenanigans lest he gets scolded by Hiragi or Kaji snaps at them all to be quiet.

Next was the Class 1-1 gc that Nirei was so excited about after he was made grade captain, to know each other better and also if trouble brewed during patrols and any classmate needed help, the group was filled with chaotic and fast messages though. Sakura only ever managed to text when they weren't talking like there was a marathon going on. He was still getting the hang of using a phone, damn it. What was he supposed to do when he didn't have any technology to use till few months back all courtesy of Weather-san.

Last was the gc with his ...close friends? Yeah it still feels surreal but he has people now who care about him and he gets the feeling sometimes that they treat him like a feral cat or something. He's not feral wtf. This gc was made that day after school after his apology fiasco before they went to Kotoha's with the whole class. He got ambushed just when the bell rang by Suo, Anzai, Nirei, Kiryu and Tsugeura.

Anzai and Suo had pretty menacing smiles on their faces when they dragged him out of class and took him to an abandoned classroom on the third floor for a 'discussion'. He still shudders thinking about it. They can be pretty scary if they want to. Sakura sighs recalling what happened.

Trusting them was still so scary. But he was gonna try for them, he can't let them down when they see him for who he is.

(a/n: i want to write down what the conversation was about but im in the midst of exams so im keeping the chapters short im writing when i can hope ya enjoy this chapter, next chapter will be the conversation and game night and lots of cuddles for sakura)

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