Part One: The Sort-of Normal Era Before the Real Trouble Begins

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Prologue | First Day Problems


"Hey, earth to E! Are you even listening to what I've been saying this whole time?" Maggie raised an eyebrow behind her thick glasses.

I blinked, snapping out of my daze. "Pfft, of course I did, Mags."

"Oh yeah? What was I saying then?" she asked, crossing her arms to show how much she doesn't believe me.

"Umm...weeell...maybe I did not catch what you said just now. But I did...a while ago." I said out, looking anywhere but at her. I'm pretty transparent when it comes to my best friend.

She sighed exasperatingly. "Okay then, what did I tell you 'a while ago'?"

"I-It's about...Ms. Packard's cat? And...uh, how the cat ruined your mom's sunflowers?" I offered.

"Ms. Packard doesn't have a cat," Maggie deadpanned. "She has a toy poodle, and it ruined our fence, not mom's flowers."

Oh. Okay.

"What's wrong? You've been out of it since this morning. Are you sick? Did your bratty brother pester you again?"

"No, it's nothing, really. Just feeling a bit jittery."

My best friend and I are currently walking through the gates of West Morgan High, making our way through the dense mob of students.

I shoved my hands on the pockets of my gray, oversized sweater. "I mean, it's the first day of classes. Don't you feel nervous?"

"No, of course not! Why would I be?" Maggie scoffed, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her freckled nose. "I'm excited for today. Eleventh graders have Mr. Johnson as their Math teacher! Can you believe it?"

"I sure can't." I said sarcastically.

Maggie smiled wistfully. "He is soo dreamy."

"Yuck. Mr. Johnson is what? Almost thirty?" I made a disgusted face at her. "He is waaay too old for you."

By now, we are in front of our assigned lockers for the year, dumping our stuff before the bell rings.

"So what? He's smart, responsible, and good-looking. Unlike these immature boys here." She said, pointedly eyeing the said guys who huddled at the middle of the hallway, laughing at the freshman who tripped on his untied shoelaces.


Someone cleared their throat behind us.

Maggie and I turned around to see a dark-haired girl looking at us blankly.

"Sam! Hey!" I exclaimed, greeting our other best friend. "You look...well, gloomy and forbidding. As always."

Samantha is wearing a ruffled black, long-sleeved blouse with equally dark pants, which is her usual ensemble.

"Did you dye your hair black?" Maggie scowled.

"Yeah. The purple one I had before was fading." Sam drawled out in her ever-so-monotonous voice.

"Great! It doesn't look like Barney puked on your head anymore." I teased.

"Har-har. You're so funny, Erin." She said, void of any emotions.

"Well, one can try." I shrugged as we made our way to our respective classes.


Oh god.

The torture.

Someone please help me now.

Stab me with a pencil, or something.

"Quit groaning, Erin. If Mr. Stowsky hears you, you're dead meat." Samantha whispered beside me.

"But I can't take it anymore! You know early morning algebra doesn't sit with me well."

My friend rolled her eyes at me. "It's almost lunch, E."

"And that makes this class worse. I have to sit here for an hour listening to this boring lecture before I can eat!" I grumbled.

"Ms. Erin Michaels, were you saying something?" Mr. Stowsky suddenly said in his ever-so-stern voice.

"No, sir." I said, straightening up from my seat, smiling innocently.

"I thought so." He said, turning back to the solutions he was writing on the board.

Phew, I'm saved. That was a close call—

"Detention after classes, Ms. Michaels."


Just great.


A/N: Sooo here's one of the two parts of this story! The Switch comes a bit later, though. I want to develop each and every characters and their relationship with each other first.

But don't worry! The first part has a lot of action in it, a lot of juicy parts to anticipate to.

Thanks for checking this story out! It really means a lot to me. Sorry if this chapter is a bit short. I'll try to make the next one longer, I promise.

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions and clarifications!

(No hate, tho. Really mean comments are not allowed!)

**a pic of Erin on the side**

xx >_< xx

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