Chapter Two

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Chapter Two | Annoying People. Annoying People Everywhere.


"Guess what I found out last night at Roxy's party?"

"If this is about Jennifer and Todd hooking up behind the dog house, we already know it."

"It's not that. This is way juicier."

"What is it then?"

"Remember that new girl from Harton? You know, the one with braces and frizzy hair?"

"That frog? What about her?"

"Well, Lizzie told me that her friend Rosy's cousin's boyfriend Max saw that girl and Josh doing it on Roxy's parent's bedroom!"

"What? Josh? Like Josh Mitchell from the football team?"

"Yes! Exactly!"

"But that's impossible! He's with that psycho bitch Mara!"

"Shhh, Olive! If Mara hears you calling her that—"

"She won't, Carly. There's no one else here to tell her that."

"What about that nerd over there?"

"Oh, please. Don't mind her. She's a nobody, book-reading weirdo. She can't hear us."

Yes. I thought. Yes I can. I can perfectly hear you because I'm three meters away from you and you two aren't exactly whispering. I have heard everything that you have been gossiping for the last forty-five minutes.

I turned the page of my Physics book.

No, I'm not eavesdropping. At least, I didn't intend to.

Actually, the sole reason I came here in the library in my free period is to study. But then these girls had to walk in and choose this corner of the library to update their 'what's hot right now'.

Indiscreetly, might I add.

"Oh, yah. I saw Mr. Hottie McNaughty Jake today. He looked at me! At the lunch line! He. Freaking. Looked. At. Me!"

I puked inwardly at the mention of that jerk's name.

Her companion scoffed. "Right. Like that would actually happen. He and Veronica are dating right now. Try competing with that."

Oh, so he changed again? How long was the previous girl? Four days?

Yes, I know. I, a freaking school nerd, know the latest rumors and going-ons here at West Morgan.

Well, it's not exactly my fault that everyone who gossips around me assumes that I'm a deaf-mute girl.

I glanced at my watch. Ten minutes 'til my next class.

I gathered up my things and stood up.

That's enough studying/listening-to-nonsense-talk for now.


"Now, kids, I know it's the first day of classes and all that, but that won't be an excuse not to do anything." Mr. Harrington, my art teacher, told us. "We have a lot of projects for this year, and I want to start on those as soon as possible."

The whole class groaned in frustration while I grinned.

I love art class. And Mr. Harrington is kinda cool too. This year will be fun.

"So pair up, everyone." He said. "Once you've done so, list your names on this paper and sit with your partners."

I looked around expectantly, hoping to find someone I knew or at least a person interested to join me...

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