Y/n and his Harem moments

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We find Charlie in front of a whiteboard explaining alot of sexual positions

Charlie: (breaths in) Business, Business, Business, Numbers......Is this Working

We find a blushing Vaggie sitting on the bed

Vaggie: yes

Charlie: YAY!!!!

Y/n: Uhhhhhhh.....So what about me

We find Vaggie was a actually laying on Y/n whose arms and legs were tied to the bed posts.

Vaggie: what about you (glares)

Y/n: I mean you guys are about to get intimate and I don't want to intrude

Charlie: awww~don't want two beautiful girls doing it on top of you~(seduce)

Vaggie: and when we're done you'll be getting in on the action as well my little rabbit~

Y/n: Uhhhhhh(blushes)

Game Night

We find the group in the lobby gearing up for game night as we find Alastra sitting on Y/n's lap as he was angrily grumbling to himself

Alastra: Hun, I don't care if you don't want to be the Burnt Toast just roll the dice and move your piece

Y/n:(groan) fine

Y/n picks up the dice and shakes

Angel Lust: Shaka Shaka Shaka (starts bouncing her "assets")

Y/n: (blushes)

Charlie: hey how come you never blush when I do that to you

Y/n: Eh

Vaggie: what's she got that we don't got

Y/n: Girls please

Niffty: (sinister giggle)

The girls start arguing as Y/n just glares

Y/n: this is the 9th time this month, I seriously HATE Game Night

Do Girls Like Flowers For Valentine's Day?

Y/n was standing in front of Verosika's apartment holding some flowers

Y/n: Hey Verosika Happy Valentines Day (holds out flowers)

Verosika: the f**k is this

Y/n: uhhhh...flowers

Verosika: babe (hits in the head with a rolled up magazine) girls don't want flowers for Valentines Day. Now get you fine Bunny A** in here (drags him inside)

Y/n: Yipe

Back at the Hotel

We find Y/n stumbling inside covered in kiss marks and had ripped clothing

Y/n: Welp Lesson Learned......girls DON'T want flowers for Valentines Day

Charlie stood there dumfounded as Vaggie was glaring daggers at him

Charlie: dude what the f**k, I want flowers for Valentines Day

Y/n: Eh, but Verosika said?

Charlie: who gives a f**k about what Verosika says I want flowers for Valentines Day. (Cries)

Y/n rolls his eyes as he gives the flowers meant for Verosika to her

Charlie: Awww~you're the best babe (kisses his cheek)

Vaggie: what about my flowers

Y/n: did you honestly think I'd forget my favourite little fireball~

Suddenly a truckload of flowers fills the lobby of the Hotel as Y/n poked his head out of the flowers

Y/n: Uhhh.......girls

Suddenly Y/n was yanked back into the flower flood as sounds of kissing and giggling were head

Pentious and Husker were standing on the stair well drinking coffee

Pentious: isssssssss it alwaysssssssss like thissssssssssss

Husker: every F**king Valentines Day

The Rabbit That Somehow Rizzed Up A Demon HaremWhere stories live. Discover now