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The light emitting from the helicopters circling above illuminated the slender form of the Joker standing triumphantly over the hostage container.

His blood-red lips were turned up in a menacing grin, wide enough that it almost reached his ears.

The police teams were positioned all around him but were ordered not to make a move, for the man was known for being an unpredictable maniac, and the lives of the hostages were at stake.

Jim Gordon's eyes were narrowed into slits as he scrutinized the area, but then his communicator rang, "Sir, there's another one here."

"Set the light on him so we can see him," Gordon ordered, and the officer on the other line obliged.

He turned to see the other light from the GCPD helicopters shining over the intimidating figure of Red Hood, standing on top of the bridge post.

The Joker's attention also deviated towards him, and his menacing grin only widened: "Hey you! Mister Hood... Or do you prefer Red?"

The helmet concealed Jay's face, but his eyes had narrowed into slits, anger radiating off him though he appeared rather calm and composed.

"Wait, could you hold on a second? I was just in the middle of setting fire to your gang," Joker reverted his attention to the lighter in his hand, clicking it so that he could throw the flame down in the container where the hostages, including Black Mask, were already drenched in oil.

"Go ahead," Jay remarked nonchalantly, "you think I care if that scum dies?"

"No, no," Joker looked up again, eyes glinting manically, "I just wanted your attention."

"You have always had my attention. What I really wanted was an audience today."

At those words, Joker halted, his smile briefly wiped off his face. "I'm sorry. That seems to imply you organized this little plan."

"I did. Sure, I had lots of plans, but the endgame was to get Black Mask so desperate that he cut a deal. He was the only one with connections to get into Arkham and get you out."

It took a while for the words to settle in, but shortly after, the smirk was back on Joker's chalky face, "So... I've been bamboozled. Oh my..."

"I wouldn't undersell it. It took a lot of effort to bring about our reunion," his voice was getting dangerously calm with every passing second, indicating that he had planned and waited for that moment for too long.

"Reunion?" Surprise flickered on Joker's features, "have we met before?"

"Yes... We have."

He extended his arms dramatically, the lighter positioned right above the vent opening into the container, "well, here's to warm memories."

The flame flickered as Joker pressed his thumb and released the lighter, which fell inside, among the gasps and muffled screams of the hostages trapped in.

Smoke escaped the vent, indicating that the container was on fire. Shortly after, the Batcopter loomed into view and dropped a mass of foam inside the container, drenching the Joker as well and putting out the fire.

A rope with a hook fell from the Batcopter, catching Joker and carrying him away. But as it passed over the bridge post that Red Hood was standing on, Jason leaped and held on to the rope, cutting it off using his sharp dagger. Both Joker and Red Hood fell into the water below.

Batman turned course the Batcopter, gliding over the river to look for the two, but there seemed no trace. It was almost as if Red Hood and Joker had vanished into thin air.

But then an unknown comm connected with his communicator, and Red Hood's familiar robotic voice sounded, "I've got him. If you want him, meet me at Crime Alley."


For the first time in his life, Black Mask felt stupid.

He had walked right into the trap laid out for him by Red Hood and ended up giving him exactly what he wanted—Joker.

He should have known that the maniac would turn the tables on him. Indeed, Joker kept his reputation of being unpredictable.

He turned against them at the last minute as he overpowered them and loaded him and his men into the truck, bringing them as a spectacle he wanted to arrange for the mysterious new Red Hood. When the theatrics had not reached the desired effect, he dropped the lighter inside, almost setting them on fire.

If it hadn't been for Batman arriving in time to extinguish the flames, Roman Sionis would have burned alive, that once entirely rather than just his face.

The horror of death had flashed before him for a second, making him doubt that he would not escape alive. But as the fire had been put out, his arrogance had returned, and the flames of vengeance erupted in his heart.

His suit was drenched in a vile mixture of gasoline and foam, and his anger was skyrocketing, yet everyone was more focused on Joker and the red helmet guy.

Even Batman was occupied with them.

"Get out of my face, you imbeciles!" He pushed past the SWAT teams and the barricades put up by the GCPD.

"You are under arrest," Jim Gordon blocked his path, armed officers appearing behind him.

He and his men had no weapons to fight back and no means of escaping. The police force and the SWAT teams surrounded them.

"I did nothing! It was all his fault!" Roman seethed, but the iron cuffs shackled his wrists even then, "Arrest Red Hood, not me!"

"Take them to Arkham," Gordon ordered, "Make sure none of them gets out."

"This is not fair! I demand to speak to my lawyer! Release me this instant! You fools have no idea who you're putting your paws on!" The crime lord was dragged away, but the acidic words still spewed from his lips. He couldn't believe he had been brought to such a low point that those mere officers were arresting him.

On the other hand, Commissioner Jim Gordon knew he had much to deal with as the night's chaos hadn't ended. So, wasting time on Black Mask would get him nowhere. He had to go after Joker and Red Hood instead.

There was a good chance that Batman would be there, too. In other words, Black Mask was a trailer; the full movie had just begun.


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