Thirst trap

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POV Agent

I entered the Amp house and directly got flooded with questions.

Kai "Did y'all fuck??"

I kinda was embarrassed.

Fanum "Yoo, look at his face! That nigga's lying."

Agent "Noo i swear nothing happened between us"

Duke "You're a killjoy"

Chris "Don't fool us we know you ate pussy"

Agent "Think what y'all want now"

They're so childish.

Davis "Look he's embarrassed. It's true!!"

time skip: the next day

After finishing our lunch  we went to the conference room to play a game. When we arrived some of the girls were already there and they greeted us friendly, especially Duke.. Short after another group of girls arrived and the assumed "leader" of their group sat right beside me. Can't she sit somewhere else, i wanted Kayla to sit next to me. Great now i sit between my homie Davis and that bitch. Well i didn't wanna throw a tantrum and cause a scene but i felt like it. Finally Kayla and her friends walked in and she looked so stunning as always. Her appearing in a mini skirt and with her nipples being seen through heir top made me so horny. Fanum catched me looking at her like crazy but instead of exposed me or something he just let out a small giggle and whispered in Duke's ear. Kayla seemed to be talking to Niki and finally our eyes met. I was in my own world until the bitch next to me poked me.

Madi "Agent, what do you think im more like golden or silver jewelry?"

I was so uninterested in the conversation but i didn't want to appear rude.

Agent "Both, i think i don't know."

Amp staff "Okay so listen, we're playing a game right now. So everyone will pull a name out of this bowl and then ask this person a question which can only be answered with one name. For example, "Who do you would like the kiss the most?". And then i coin will be flipped if it's tails the person has to answer if it's head the person needs to drink something. Got it?"

Everyone "Yess"

Staff "Okay so everyone pick a paper piece"

He walked around and was talking a piece out of it.

Kai "Nigga i got myself"

Staff" My bad"

He gave Kai a new paper and threw his in again. I got Jon. Finally everyone got one and we could start.

Duke "Okay, I'll start. Kesha. Who do you think is the finest in the room?"

Madi, so that's the bitches name. Kai threw a coin and it ended up being tails. Madi started blushing.

Madi "Erm.. Agent"

The whole room screamed and started shipping us. Yesterday my homies assumed i was fucking with Kayla and now they ship me with that bitch. That ship is definitely one sided. Madi looked at me but i ignored her look. The only one i had eyes for was Kayla and she seemed to be very uncomfortable. Our eyes met, but she quickly looked away. I wanted her to know that this means nothing to me at all. Anyway the game went on. I was a bit in my thoughts until Davis poked me signaling it was my turn.

Agent "Jon, who is the most funniest in your opinion?"

Kai "It's tails! Finally again!!"

Jon "Definitely Niki"

She blushed a bit and Kayla gave her a hug.

So many rounds were played and i zoomed out again until i hear Kayla's name.

Madi "Kayla, who do you think might be interested in you?"

Why does that bitch feel the need to bug her.

Kai "Nigga it's head. I wanted to know so bad".

I hope it's me.

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