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POV Madi

Finally i'm meeting my man and he doesn't even have eyes for me.. I need that bitch Kayla gone. Why can't that nigga look at me like that. My ass has a bigger recoil than hers and my boobs bounce higher. So what am i missing out?

Agent "Kayla wait"

Even now after the game ended, Agent tried to get Kayla's attention. Is that bitch really pressed over me saying Agent's the finest? Just the facts. Insecure bitch.

POV Kayla

I was about to walk out of the conference room after the game finished. How dare that bitch Madi say my man's the finest. He's taken already. Or is he? He actually didn't confess to me yet.. So is he really mine?

Agent "Kayla wait!"

I turned my head around to see Agent walking towards me.

Agent "Hey, can we talk?"

Kayla "Sure let's go for a walk"

He led me to the swings neglecting the whispers that started when he took my hands.

K "So, what's up?"

A "Are you mad"

K "No, don't worry i'm only pissed off because of that bitch Madi"

A "Understandable. She flirted with me earlier."

K "Are we actually a thing now? Like you know a couple?"

A "I would love to. I love you Kayla."

K "I love you more"

He picked me up in bridal style and walked to his room.

K "What are you doing?"

He didn't answer and just push me on his bed. I bit my lip. He then pulled me on his laps after he positioned himself behind me.

A "Isn't that what you've been waiting for?"

K "Say less."

He gently squeezed my boobs and pinched my nipples. I started moaning so he put his hand infront of my mouth.


I removed her shirt and her huge tits bounced out. I started licking them until i noticed her getting wet. I then removed her panties and circled her pussy with my finger which made her shiver. All of the sudden i heard footsteps so i helped her putting her clothes back on and hid her under my blanket.

Duke "Agent, what are you doing? Everyone's having dinner."

That dude scared me to death. He's soo caring but not in the right time.

Agent "I feel sick"

I had to made up a lie praying he'll go back to the others.

Duke "Oh, shit. Should i stay with you and we order some Chick-fil-A?"

Duke is such a good person i feel bad lying to him.

Agent "No don't worry. I can take care of myself."

Duke "okay but, why do you have so many things under your blanket nigga?"


Agent "It's just clothes and shit, i need to clean up"

Duke "I'll help you, since you're sick"


He raised the blanket and then tumbled backwards at the sight of Kayla.

Duke "I knew you guys were fucking!"

Agent "Shh, Duke we want to keep it a secret."

Duke "Okay sure but don't lie to me again."

Agent "Alright i'm sorry man"

Duke "Don't worry. You're good".

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