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chapter twenty-eight, how wonderful life is

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chapter twenty-eight, how wonderful life is.

   AARON AND ROSES TIME AT THE MOULIN ROUGE WAS COMING TO AN END, tomorrow they would pack up their dressing rooms and leave. It was bittersweet, really. Leaving the place they had succeeded in for another chapter in their career, which they were glad they could do together.

Aaron could never get over how proud he was of Rose. It was like she was the star that shined, and he was the sun who smiled down, watching her shine. He would gladly give up everything he had just to watch her succeed, because his life revolved around Rose, now. Sure, he had a sense of independence and he had his job, but what would all of that be without Rose in his life? She made everything better. The long days, the small fights, the paparazzi, all of it wouldn't be worth it if not for Rose.

Rose felt herself near tears almost every time she said line, the bittersweet feeling of leaving her beloved show tugging at her heart. Although, she was eager to start the next chapter of her life, she couldn't help but reminisce on what all the show had done for her.

Without the show, Rose wouldn't be in love. She would have never met the love of her life, but she would also never experience love at all. Roses life was so much better since she was casted as Satine, and the show would always have a special place in her heart.

"You okay?" Aaron asked, pulling Rose from a daze. They were about to start the show, and Rose couldn't stop the emotions that were rising to the surface.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna miss this place." Rose answered, patting her eyes dry since she had makeup on. Aaron smiled warmly at her, pulling the girl into his arms. For a while, they just stood there. Every memory from the past few years crashed through the surface of their minds, and flooded their senses.

This exact dressing room is where Rose and Aaron would fight. This exact dressing room is where Rose had a panic attack and Aaron helped her through it. This exact dressing room is where Robyn, Ashley and Amber had confronted Rose about her love. This exact dressing room is where Rose and Aaron had the fight that ended their friendship. This exact dressing room is where Rose and Aaron confessed their love. This exact dressing room is where Rose and Aaron continuously stole kisses, unable to go five minutes without the others touch. This exact dressing room held so many memories and Aaron and Rose didn't want to let go. But, then again, they didn't have to.

"I am too," Aaron responded softly, playing with this strands of Roses wig. Rose smiled against Aaron's shoulder, feeling of love, admiration and gratitude swarming her heart. She would be no where if it wasn't for the Moulin Rouge and Aaron. God, is she glad she stayed.

As Aaron held Rose an interesting thought arose in his head. There was something he was planning on for a while, but he didn't really know how to execute the plan. Ricky, Robyn, Tam and all of Roses friends had tried to help him; it needed to be perfect. Therefore, no solid plan had been made. Aaron had gotten frustrated rather quickly, his lack of ideas absolutely destroying him. Every idea he made wasn't good enough, no, not for his Rose. Rose deserved perfection, as she was the literal definition of perfection herself. But, the idea that just popped up into his cloudy, emotional mind was perfect.

For the rest of the show, Aaron thought of the details of the plan. Surprisingly, he never once forgot a line or messed up in anyway. If anything, it made him better.

His heart was giddy and his nerves picked up, as he only had one day to plan this and get permission. He did, of course.

The show had ended and Aaron couldn't help but smile brightly at his girlfriend, who was completely oblivious. The couple packed their belongings before going home.

Once the two got home, they quickly relaxed. Soon enough, Rose went to bed. Aaron had promised her he'd be going to bed in a second, as he was currently in their closet. Going through his coat pockets Aaron felt panic start to rise in his chest, where was it?

He couldn't find it. The one essential thing, he couldn't find. Until he did, it was in the very coat pocket he was wearing when he thought the expensive thing. Aaron smiled, opening the box, making sure that the thing he needed was inside. It was, and it was as beautiful as ever. Perfect for his Rose. Aaron quickly snapped the box shut, putting it in the coat he would be wearing tomorrow.

After Aaron did that, he finally went to bed. He lay under the covers, pulling Rose closer to him. Rose smiled as he did this, humming in delight as Aaron nuzzled his face into her neck.

"Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight darling," Aaron responded tiredly, but a smile was on his face. Oh, how he loved Rose. Tomorrow would just prove it.

Tomorrow, a special day indeed. The last show with both Rosalyn Seymour and Aaron Tveit in the cast, and the last day that Rosalyn Seymour would be a girlfriend to Aaron Tveit. Let's hope this means good and not bad, shall we?

Guys I love breaking the fourth wall. Only 5 more chapters ☹️
HOWEVER. I have begun to upload edits of Aaron and Rose on my tt @honeysucklewpxx.

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