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mymymy bbama is literally so cute 😭 > nomnominnie not as cute as areum though, right? > mymymy @nomnominnie omg never! > cheesecakehannie @nomnominnie wait why are we comparing dogs?? bbama supremacy!! > sunshine.lix @mymymy @nomnominnie we're supposed to feel bad for him, remember...? > minniemouse- @sunshine.lix all he's doing is moping at home tho > sunshine.lix @minniemouse- dude shh 🤫
changaroo97 dog days are the best days 🫶 > cheesecakehannie bbama missed berry this morning! > ryerye @cheesecakehannie it was so fun! > matchatess @ryerye yass it was so funn i love training! > catdad_lee @matchatess didn't @bin_there_done_that have to save you from falling in the mud when you got pulled over? > the.official.hwang @matchatess and you got worms in your underwear, like @ramenoodlaska did when she was little > matchatess @catdad_lee @the.official.hwang yeah, and? it was worth it! > cheesecakehannie @matchatess maybe i should be glad i stayed back...