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sunshine.lix we can't keep him, sunshine > ramenoodlaska ... > mymymy @sunshine.lix uh oh, now you've done it > ryerye @sunshine.lix you're gonna regret saying that, dude > sunshine.lix @mymymy @ryerye wait why, i'm just telling the truth! > ramenoodlaska @sunshine.lix i see you just hate me is that it? and you hate bingsu too?? maybe i'll just move out and take the dog with me what do you think about that?? > sunshine.lix @ramenoodlaska we don't even live together yet? and where would you go?? babe??? > the.official.hwang @ramenoodlaska good riddance tbh i'll turn ur room into a movie theater. thanks @sunshine.lix ur a real one
the.official.hwang he's a menace. a big, fuzzy menace > changaroo97 don't lie, i saw you giving him pets yesterday!! > minniemouse- @the.official.hwang do you like bingsu more than kkami??? 😱 > sk8terjj @minniemouse- literally i think he does, that's rude. poor kkami > robin_is_a_penguin @the.official.hwang cheating on kkami i see > the.official.hwang @changaroo97 @minniemouse- @sk8terjj @robin_is_a_penguin no i literally am not??? and jj how could you turn on me like this??