chapter fifty-six

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Chapter 56

Not Edited

Marcel Gerard paced around the Compound in both anger and frustration. "I'm not staying here, Elijah."

"Marcel," Mina sighed. "There is someone out there who is plucking members of this family off one by one. Do you really want to be caught alone?"

"Than stay here?" Marcel asked rhetorically. "Certainly."

Turning towards the door, Elijah sped in front of the boy. "I do apoligize, Marcellus, if I gave you the misconception of a choice. You are a third of the only thing Niklaus cares about, and I will not have him return to his mortal, and overconfident, son being buried six feet below."

Marcel grimmaced at Elijah's tone, the voice bringing back too many memories of his time as a boy. "Oh, fuck off, Elijah," He bit. "I can go anywhere I want, whenever I want."

"Please try to leave his house, Marcellus," Elijah sighed. "I will ask the lovely Mina to place you in a boundary spell. And I'm sure you remember my warnings from when you were a boy. If you would like to call my bluff, please feel free. I cannot promise you that you won't regret it."

Seeing the anger evident on Marcel's face, Mina rose from her spot on the ground, her locator spells failing once more. "Just go make some lunch, okay? I promise I won't stop trying to find Davina."

With an eyeroll and a scowl, Marcel flashed out of the room. After a couple of seconds, Elijah could hear the refrigerator and pantry door open.

His attention at Mina, he looked over at the spell. "Any update?"

"Other than on you being a pompous dick?" Mina asked. "Nope."

Elijah's eyebrow raised in confusion. "What have I done?"

"His daughter is missing," Mina started. "How would you feel if Isabel was taken and you couldn't do anything about it."

Mina watched as her lover tensed. Over the course of Isabel's time here, she's noticed that she and Elijah had grown closer and closer. Theodore had grown closer to her, calling her 'mommy' on multiple occasions... But Isabel and Elijah were definitely the more elite father daughter duo.

"Exactly," Mina shrugged. "I'm just saying. If you talked to him with a tad bit more understanding, you two would fight a lot less. You're his family... and other than your siblings, he's the longest family member you got. He's your nephew for goodness sakes."

"I will–"

"Apologize," Mina finished for him. "He's obviously a lot more reactive... So you have to meet him with proactive conversations."

Elijah nodded stifly and turned around to follow Marcel into the kitchen when he stopped suddenly. Turning his head slightly, he looked back to Mina. "Perhaps... you should take your own advice and apply it to Bonnie. It would make less of a fuss than calling her dumb, would it not?"

Before she could answer, Elijah sped into the kitchen.

Sitting down with her back against the wall, Mina groaned. She looked down at the spell she had tried to complete about sixteen times and then back up. As thoughts plagued her mind, there was only one that she couldn't ignore.

Maybe Bonnie was right.




Taking the hand of Florence Bennet, Bonnie walked side by side with him and Cora to wherever they were taking her. As they walked, she passed through what looked like buildings and homes that she had never seen before in Limbo. These weren't simply abandoned fortresses like her and Henrik's old hut was.

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