Chapter 3

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Dahlia's POV

The rhythmic beat of the music filled my ears as we weaved our way through the packed crowd at Eclipse, searching for our next prey. Kimmie, who was like a sister to me and my most trusted companion, glided smoothly by my side with her curly blonde hair catching the colorful lights from the dance floor.

My father and grandfather gave us the responsibility of uncovering any irregularities within our company. Despite an increase in shipments at the dock, our inventory and finances remained unchanged. Something was amiss, and my brother Donny believed it all pointed to our newest hire, Kevin, as the source.

It appeared that Kevin was suddenly gaining a large amount of money for someone in his position. He wasn't a high-ranking member, just a lower level man. Yet, he was splurging on expensive cars and boats. Not the smartest move on his part.

Despite being focused on our current job, my mind kept drifting to another matter.

As the lights flickered and bodies moved in rhythm, I discreetly scanned the crowd for a familiar face--Kieran. Just the thought of seeing him again filled me with a sense of hope. Our brief meetings had left a lasting impression on me that lingered for days.

He stood out from the crowd in a way that intrigued me. I couldn't help but feel drawn to him, like a puzzle waiting to be solved. It was a constant nagging feeling that I couldn't ignore, and it only intensified when I couldn't find him among the sea of people.

"I'm going to go to the bar and make sure Kevin is not there," I say to Kimmie, coming up with a flimsy excuse. My heart raced with anticipation as I walked towards the bar. I scanned the faces in the crowd, hoping to spot Kieran, but he was nowhere in sight. Disappointment washed over me, and I signaled for a bartender to come over.

"Hey, have you seen Kieran around?" I asked, my tone casual, though I'm sure my eyes betrayed a hint of desperation.

The bartender shook their head, "Nope, sorry. Want a drink instead?"

I declined, masking my disappointment with a polite smile, and returned to Kimmie, who immediately noticed the shift in my demeanor.

"You good, Dahl?" Kimmie observed, her gaze piercing through me.

'Aren't I always?" I asked, forcing a good-humored laugh. But even as I said it, my eyes skimmed the crowd one more time, holding onto the faint hope that Kieran would suddenly appear.

Kimmie had a remarkable talent for seeing through my facade, no matter how many masks I wore. I could sense her curiosity brewing when a group of girls nearby started giggling and whispering about something happening on the dance floor.

I gesture towards our intended victim who is creating a scene on the dance floor, surrounded by a group of women fawning over him. "There he is," I announce.

Kimmie's worried expression lingered on my face for a moment, but she eventually backed down and turned our focus back to the task at hand. "We can talk about this later, but right now we need to take care of this jerk."

"How do you want to play this?" I ask, determination replacing the momentary distraction.

Her eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. "Safe. We're on neutral ground here. Let's isolate him. Nothing inside the building."

I nodded knowingly, slightly lifting my skirt and pushing up my breasts up in the corset. As I fluffed up my hair, I noticed Kimmie untangling hers to let it fall down her back. We exchanged a wordless understanding of the personas we needed to embody for this occasion.

With men like Kevin they appreciate one thing. Hot women who would sleep with a man with money. He's the type of guy who feels like he doesn't have to try, just throw some cash and legs will open like an all night diner for him.

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