15- The Slap

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Same day: 9 p

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Same day:
9 p.m

"Noo", I whined when my mother was forcing me to eat another roti.

"When has she ever listened?", my father taunted about me to my mom with a nonchalant look on his face. Mockery evident in his voice.

Urghhh usuals.

I stand up making a thud noise and march to my room slamming the door. I could hear faint noises of my mother yelling at him.

I hate to say that he is my father. To the one I was born.

I lock myself and my cheeks are wet. My brain feels heavy for anything else to bottle up. I choked on my saliva when I attempted to swallow it. I have always tried being a good daughter but failed miserably.

I am doing something I never wanted to do. Becoming a data scientist. My mother convinced me into this. My dad just pushed me into this.

I am so fucking tired. By all this nuisance that's happening around me. Me being happy for a day must be a miracle because it rarely happens.

I was so happy today. My Arjun made my day shine again. 

Then his thoughts rush over me, a blush creeping over my face and...


"Ridiculous! Where did he get those guts to dare Jay that he has to propose to you? What does he think of you? A mere object to play with. You have feelings too right?",Sasha fueled my anger.

"Shutup Sasha, she is already fuming. Don't exaggerate.", Kalyani retorted.

Then she held my wrist stopping me from marching with anger filled eyes.

"Wait, calm down and listen to me"

"I don't have time for all your advice." I said to her so rudely i couldn't recognize my own voice in anger.

"Sakshi you're angry don't mess up okay? Forgive them. Just show off that so many guys are proposing to you. Make it your positives. Doesn't that sound fun?" she started in an encouraging tone.

I take a long breath and reply "but I really need to tighten his nuts KK."

Me and Sasha call her KK- Kalyani Kataria.

We three have been best friends since grade 5. I joined this boarding school when I was in my 4th grade. It was really hard to leave my family and my home. I really missed Anjali and mom. I had cried so much but no one came to take me back. It felt unfair that Anjali got to stay with my parents and I was sent to a jail like this where I have to stay with unknown people. Now I am in my 9th grade and I am used to all these things. So much has changed but our friendship has not. We are way more mature now than before.

When I joined this school I lost the life in me. The child in me. But Miss. Edith gave me comfort. I am the same failure which my father hated. A girl with anger issues and can't behave. As much as I try to be a generous girl, things like this happen to test my patience.

Rahul. The most annoying fucker who studies in 11th grade has dared a guy from my class to propose to me. Like what the fuck. He loves creating a fuss in my life.

I have known him since I joined this school and he has ragged me so badly. Now that I am strong enough to not fall for his games he uses other people who have a soft corner for me.

Only I know me. For many others I am this softie girl who is nice to everyone and stands in her shoes but KK and Sasha know how angry I get. My eyes turn bloodshot red and I fail to control myself. This happens often and KK controls me. Sasha just likes drama.

"Okay but with a calm mind.", KK says and Sasha clicks her tongue.

We march through the grey and brown corridors while KK tells us to calm down. Sasha gives me 1001 ways to hurt his ego and I am taking her way this time. There is no way I am forgiving Rahul this time. Yesterday when he grabbed my plate during lunch which I stood in line for I let it go in the air. But not today. I was done. He is crossing his limits.

Everyone looks at us knowing there's gonna be drama and while we reach the ground floor probably 100 of them as a crowd were following us.

I felt as if I was going for a fight. It is a fight.

I was filled with rage and unholy thoughts looking towards the ground surrounded by trees. Wind blowing my hair back and my eyebrows scrunched.

I hit on someone. How dare he- He is looking at me as if I am at fault.

"Sorry", he mutters. His eyes took my breath away. His hair moved at a rhythm due to the heavy wind. There was a knot between his eyebrows. Perfect jawline. Round glasses and an earring on his left ear. Soft beard complimenting his looks.

Wait- I never saw him here. Is he new? Yes . His uniform shines which means he is new.

"Heyyy what sorry? Don't you have eyes?", I retorted. He looked at me as if I looked like he saw the most dumbest person.

"Stupid." he says and walks away, i grab his shirt and he turns and looks at me- No glared at me. "Which class?" I asked him to sound bossy and my goal was to scare him. Instead he leaned closer whispering in my ear making me flinch as his hot breath in the chilly climate hit my skin. "11th" said and I glared at him that it was not done.

A black leather bag hung on one of his shoulders. He pulled it closer to him as I nodded at that towering body.

He walked away. No manners. Who does he think he is talking to?


"He looks so good.", Sasha drooled over him. This girl has a new crush every week. KK chuckled and I walked towards the ground.

I spot him laughing holding the football. His back was faced towards me. I tap his back and as he turns my hand collides his cheek. A loud sound echoed through the silence that fell and I heard so many gasps. Nobody would have expected me to slap the future football team captain. He kept his hand on his cheek and his face still tilted. He yelled "bitch! What's wrong?"

I grab the proposal which Sasha was holding and throw it at him.

"Don't play games with me."

Turning around marching towards the canteen I heard people cursing me and telling Rahul it's okay. But I know his revenge is awaited.


This chapter has the FIRST MEET. I was so excited to reveal this to you all. And all the showering of love from you'll is giving me so much happiness. Keep showering love. 

The thing is that I can see a lot of you all silent readers but your interaction with me will make you more connected and you will have the best experience out of it. try interacting through comments.

Do comment if your not satisfied with anything ill make sure its gonna be worth your time.

That's it for the day. I am so grateful you read this chapter.☺️

I hope your having fun reading this book and if you want me to add something specific or change something. You can dm me in Instagram.

Until next update, Goodbye and take care. Lots of love and positive energy.💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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