Part-1-The beginning

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(Disclaimer: This fanfiction is purely for entertainment and is not reflective of reality. Characters are based on K-pop idols but are fictional. Please honor the real artists' dedication and talent. This work claims no rights over others' copyrighted material. Support the artists through official platforms.)

This story takes place in Korea.............

On 19th January 1999, Time: 11:30 pm

The rain poured down in torrents, accompanied by chilly gusts of wind. Amidst this, Kim Namjoon, a man in his middle years, navigated his car through Seoul's lively streets, alive with the clamor, lights, and chaos of the city. Despite the chilly weather, there was a certain beauty to the rainy night. In this backdrop, his wife Sunhee's call came through.

"Hello? Namjoon! When are you coming back? We need to get ready for Appa's birthday party, remember?" she said. "Don't worry, I'm already on it and heading back." he replied cheerfully. "Be careful on the road." she reminded. "Will do. Bye, love!" he responded, and the call ended.

Unbeknownst to him, his life was about to change forever in just a few moments. He received a call from another person.

"Hello? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?! This can't be!" Namjoon exclaimed; his worry beyond doubt. He steered his car away from the bright streets to the darker, more solitary streets of Seoul. No, this can't be happening! I can't believe this. What should I do now? he thought, anxiously.

The wind turned icy as the rain fell in large drops, and lightning split the sky. He didn't want to stop; stopping meant the end of everything. Trapped in heavy traffic, he cursed under his breath and massaged his temples. Then, he recalled that he knew a shortcut.

"Hello? I'm on my way! I won't let that vicious man hurt him!" Namjoon proclaimed over the phone, swerving into the narrow alley that led to the location. Time was of the essence, and he was acutely aware of it. Speeding, he navigated through the aged quarters of high-tech Seoul, taking several turns before making a U-turn onto a straight road. He approached a building, behind which lay a small nursery. Without hesitation, he halted his car and dashed inside.

He found himself enveloped in a suffocating silence. He had given up; he couldn't save the innocent soul. Devastated, he was about to retreat to the exit when a baby's pained cry pierced the stillness.

Hope still persisted. The voice did not emerge from the dark, cramped, and poorly ventilated nursery; it originated from somewhere further away. With a torchlight gripped firmly in his hand, he hastened forward, filled with unwavering determination.

He despised the rain and disliked getting wet, but he knew life prevailed over anything else. He was compelled to rescue the infant from danger. Shortly, he discovered a baby swaddled in a blanket, sheltered beneath an old bus stop. His heart swelled with joy upon finding the infant boy, but his attention was soon drawn to an accompanying note.

Namjoon was shattered and dismayed after reading the letter. "How could you do this, Jae? He's just a baby! I don't know how I'm going to adopt him. This innocent soul doesn't even realize that his whole world is about to change. I feel so sorry for him. But I vow to protect him with my life. No matter what, I won't let Si-woo lay a finger on him! And if I fail, my life will have been in vain!" he murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

He cried out to Jesus, grabbed the baby, and drove as quickly as he could while ensuring there were no dangers nearby.

Time skip..........

He walked into the mansion, the baby cradled in his arms, crying incessantly. Sunhee hurried over to Namjoon, her eyes sparkling with tears.

"Oh! I can't believe what just happened! The Kims were attacked by-" She stopped mid-sentence as her gaze landed on the wounded infant in Namjoon's arms, who was crying loudly.

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