Part-3-All together

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"I love my sister! Dad! Mom! Yuju Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed joyfully, smiling at them. They smiled and nodded. Jennie hopped a little to hug her brother.

Namjoon received a call from a friend which left him feeling stressed once more. He shared the news with Sunhee as they prepared to depart.

"This is pure cruelty." Sunhee said, unable to contain herself any longer. Namjoon patted her back, adding, "Her parents were helpless, Sunhee. They didn't have a moment to think. Si-woo's cruelty has surpassed all limits. We must save her!" Namjoon's voice was a blend of anger and resolve.

"We can't stay here for long! We must take her to the hospital immediately!" Namjoon proclaimed. Then they both noticed that the baby was having difficulty breathing.

"The child's condition is extremely serious. Since you have rescued her, you need to sign the papers granting permission for her brain surgery." Dr. Han said swiftly.

From that moment, Namjoon, Sunhee, and Mother Jiha, together with the rest, made daily visits to the hospital and praying for the child's recovery. Then came a day when the child no longer responded to the treatments. Her heartbeat faltered, on the brink of stillness. Taehyung stared intently at the monitor, willing the numbers to rise, but to no avail. Her heartbeat stopped. Namjoon closed his eyes and sighed.

Then a miracle happened.......


All the incidents that occurred earlier set the background for the story............

From this point forward, the true story begins to unfold. The central events occur from this moment on...

Read to explore.......

 Time skip........... 2007,

The mansion was abuzz with a bluster of sounds as people bustled about. The chatter of children permeated the air as they of various ages packed their bags, eagerly preparing for the school's music and dance festival. Sunhee assisted the girls, while Namjoon attended to the boys. It was an important day at school for all of them.

Jimin was the first to be ready, finding himself alone in the playroom, dancing in front of a mirror, showcasing his moves. He was an eight-year-old of medium height, with round, chubby cheeks and striking eyes that completely closed whenever he smiled, a trait everyone remarked upon.

He had a younger sister named Chaeyoung, who was seven years old. She was on the third floor at that moment, practicing her vocals. She hit every note with ease, while Sunhee was helping her get ready.

"Am I looking good?" Lisa (9 years) asked, poised to showcase her dance moves. Sunhee responded with a smile and a nod.

A melodious voice unexpectedly resonated through the girls' room, drawing all eyes to the enchanting singer. She was Jisoo, a nine-year-old renowned for her courtesy and charming appearance. Realizing she had captivated the audience with her performance, she felt a blush of embarrassment.

"I'm extremely sorry for being too loud," Jisoo apologized.

"There's no need to apologize. You're a wonderful singer!" said an energetic voice as a 7-year-old entered the room. It was Jennie Kim (7 years).

Jennie Kim, the daughter of Namjoon and Sunhee, and the younger sister to Yujun and Taehyung, had sharp eyes and a captivating yet endearing smile. She was seen by many as a dynamic force, brimming with energy. Her passions included meeting new people and embarking on adventures.

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