Part-2-Saving a homeless soul

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Unbeknownst to him, his life was about to change forever in just a few moments. He received a call from another person.

He found himself enveloped in a suffocating silence. He had given up; he couldn't save the innocent soul. Devastated, he was about to retreat to the exit when a baby's pained cry pierced the stillness.

He cried out to Jesus, grabbed the baby, and drove as quickly as he could while ensuring there were no dangers nearby.

After a lot of discussion that this baby would be named Taehyung. Not just Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, the foster son of Kim Namjoon.

He housed others much like his own students, yet he never took on the role of their foster parent. Indeed, he was a former teacher. He cherished them as if they were his own children, but he never claimed them as such.

Over time, Namjoon's influence in the political arena continued to grow. Within a mere two years, he had established himself as a significant leader.

His compassionate work rescuing abandoned children and orphans, shone as a beacon of hope. His tireless efforts in education, health, and nutrition empowered these vulnerable children to thrive. Each transformed life and restored smile stood as a testament to his selfless impact.

Read to explore.......

Time skip............

27th December 2001,

Time: 7:39 pm

Namjoon sat comfortably in his chair, gazing out at the falling snow, filled with hope for the future of his NGO. He was confident that he would be able to save millions of lives.

Moments later, he glanced at Taehyung, who was decked out in winter attire, engrossed in playing with a toy car on the bed. Taehyung was completely absorbed in his play, simulating the car's acceleration with each passing minute by making whooshing sounds.

Namjoon sat down cautiously beside his son, careful not to disturb him. Suddenly, Taehyung looked up at his father and smiled, crawling towards him.

"Dad! Car-car!" exclaimed Taehyung, pointing at the toy car. Namjoon smiled, lifted his son into the air with a nod, and gently kissed his forehead, bringing out giggles from the delighted two-year-old.

Sunhee lingered by the doorway, her smile beaming as tears of joy glistened in her eyes. She felt certain that the child's future was safe within their loving embrace. Abruptly, she sensed a presence moving past her. It was the inquisitive Yujun, who bounded into the room, his enthusiasm undiminished.

"Papa, Jennie is walking!" Yujun exclaimed with excitement.

The Elders exchanged glances of disbelief. They all hurried to baby Jennie's room and found her walking without any support. She giggled as she made her way toward her parents and siblings.

It was a moment of pride and joy for the entire family. The three children were growing up so quickly, it seemed as if they would be getting married the very next day.

"Jennie! Jennie! I want to walk with you!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly. Namjoon set him down, and he toddled with his little legs toward his sister to embrace her.

"I love my sister! Dad! Mom! Yuju Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed joyfully, smiling at them. They smiled and nodded. Jennie hopped a little to hug her brother.

Time skip.........

Namjoon received a call from a friend which left him feeling stressed once more. He shared the news with Sunhee as they prepared to depart.

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