Part 3

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"Mummy, will you and baba go back after JB's wedding?" Humain asked Imama.

"Yes," Imama replied.

"Plz stay here with me na." Humain attempted unsuccessfully to persuade her.

"Then your dad will be alone," Imama didn't agree.

"Don't worry, we are also in New York and you're in New York too," Imama clarified.

"But your apartment is quite far from my penthouse," there was a hint of complaint in Hamain's tone.

"If it weren't for Salar's work issue, we both would have stayed here with you,"

"Tell dad to get retire." Both mother and son sat in open space, holding a cup of tea, engaging in some discussions.

"Yes, he mentioned that, he might take it after sometime" Imama replied.

Humain didn't want Salar and Imama to go anywhere. If Salar's work wasn't an obligation, he would also suggest Salar to stay permanently in his penthouse. When he suggested Imama to stay, she also refused, saying that Salar would be alone. He wasn't uncomfortable with living alone, but since Salar and Imama had been with him for some time now, Humain had grown accustomed to it, hence he felt a bit down, thinking his home would be deserted again.

There was a moment of silence, then after a while Imama spoke.

"Has Jibril not arrived yet?" Imama asked Humain.

"No! He was saying that had a surgery to done and after that he  went straight to his apartment. He was saying he'll rest a bit and then come," Humain replied.

Humain glanced at his wristwatch, placed his cup on the table in front, and stood up from the chair.

"Where are you going?" Imama asked.

"Mummy, I have an online meeting to attend. So, please excuse me," He said with his usual mischievous smile.

"Alright, go," Imama also smiled softly and said.

Time doesn't stop for anyone. Time changes, circumstances change, people change. Nothing remains the same forever. Time passes whether it's good or bad. There was a time when Salar and Imama lived in the same house with all their children. And now, so much time has passed, and they were scattered everywhere. Everyone was busy with their own lives. Some in their professional lives, some in their personal lives.


She was arranging her long coat in front of the dressing table when she heard her mobile phone's ringtone. She walked a few steps towards her cellphone lying on the bed. Then she bent down, picked up the phone, and placed it against her ear.

"Hello!" She answered the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Ready?" A question came from the other end.

"Almost," she replied.

"Good! Come fast. I am waiting outside."

"Okay," she said, then ended the call.


"What happened? Suddenly, this lunch plan?" They had come to a restaurant for dinner.

"Lunch was just an excuse. I actually wanted to discuss something with you," Jibril told Ayesha.

Ayesha, who was already puzzled, became even more confused.

"What do you want to discuss?" Ayesha asked.

"Look, I'll get straight to the" Jibril said, explaining to her in a persuasive manner.

They were sitting face to face.

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