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credit to @-KL3IN for the baking idea! from now on I forgot to mention but Caspian and Jin don't exist sorry idc

instead u get kids and domestic fluff 😓


Back at home a bath had been run for him. Y/n soaked in it, feeling as careful fingers tended to the wound on his cheek. It looked worse than it had felt—Aliya's nails had caught onto his cheek, after all, and it had swelled and bruised. Y/n hissed lightly as he felt an alcohol wipe gently brush against his cheek, recoiling.

"Sorry," he apologized, "it's just..."

"You have absolutely nothing to apologize for," Aruna said firmly, pressing a kiss on his temple. "It was my sister's fault. Instead, I should have been the one apologizing to you. I'm sorry, Y/n. I should have kept a closer eye on you."

"Yeah, because you were too busy fucking me."

Aruna blinked.

"It was a joke," Y/n pinched Aruna's nose, smiling at him. "Don't worry. I'm not blaming anyone for anything."

"You are," Aruna leaned against Y/n, his hands now massaging Y/n's scalp gently. "You are blaming yourself, when it wasn't even your fault."

A knot formed in Y/n's throat. "Well, you can't...deny that."

"Deny what, exactly?"

"That it was technically my fault," Y/n stared glassy eyed in a distance, sighing. "I mean, I went ahead and opened the door, before proceeding to get kidnapped, and then you nearly lost your company and everything you worked for because of me. I get that you say those things because you want me to feel reassured, but really, it's fine."

He had cried earlier. It was embarrassing to feel himself just crumpling against his boyfriend—though it had been his fault. What would Nadia say if she was here? Probably something like what the fuck loser you should have punched her in the face. Wait, why didn't he? Oh right. Because he had been tied up like some poor movie with BDSM inside. Ugh. What would his mother say? Probably something bad, for sure. Technically she was right. She raised a son who kind of dropped out of university, a son who turned out—gay—and...

"...What must I do for you for you to believe me?"

"I don't know. Some activity, I guess? I just need to keep my mind on things." Y/n shrugged, shaking his head. "You are a really good boyfriend, you know that?"

"You make me want to be a good partner. I can't think of any other way to treat you other than treating you like you are priceless. Because you are, Y/n. You have no idea how much you mean to me. When you got kidnapped, I—when you started crying because of—"

"Let's go shopping," Y/n interrupted. "You know what will really calm me down? The smell of luxury."

Y/n hardly used Aruna's money. In fact, he was saving a present for him. A ring, if you will. But he knew Aruna loved it when he did so—when he spent the money that Aruna provided for him. And Y/n would probably feel better with new things in his hands.

Aruna blinker. He smiled softly. "What a way to change the subject."

"It worked, didn't it?" Y/n teased. "I know you love it. You like picking our clothes for me to wear, belts, ties, watches..." he pressed his forehead against Aruna's and gave a cheeky smile. "I know you very well, Aruna."

"Your legs are still sore, though," Aruna murmured, "how are you feeling? Will it be alright for you?"

"Geez, I'm not some porcelain doll. I made out of the ten hour sesh with you. What makes you think I can't handle a kidnapping? I'm stronger than that."

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