Chapter 5: Be Mine?

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Kendall's POV 

"I like you, Kendall." I gasp. HE LIKES ME! What? Did I hear that right? "I like you." He repeat. Yeah I'm totally not hearing that right. I liked him too but how can I tell him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Did he ask me that? Did he really say that to me? Did he rally mean it? Of course I want to be his.

"YES! I like you too, Harry" Before I can process anything in my brain, I said it. What? I said it? Did I really say it? Oh God these mixed emotions. What if this is a set up? What if he don't really mean it? What if... My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a pair of lips touch mine. Is he kissing me? What? He is? Oh My God! He is kissing me! I kissed him back and he bit my bottom lip for entrance. Our tongue is dancing. Yep. Thanks Gemma for this. This is very awkward. We finally break our kiss when there was a car honk. I turned and it was Gemma. I feel my cheeks burning. I think it's as red as a tomato now. Oh God why does Gemma have to appear? I'm enjoying the kiss with Harry. I felt my phone buzz and I saw a text from my mom.

*Where are you?*

*I'm at the park with my friend mom. I'm going home now.*

On my walk home, I kept on replaying what Harry said and what we did at the park. Oh how nice. It was surely a very nice day for me. WE KISSED. I can't believe it. What will I say to Kylie? Mom? Dad? Oh My God Mom and Dad. How will I explain it to them? When I was just opening the front door, I felt my phone vibrates. It's from Harry. I smiled just by seeing his name.

*Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow? I love you. xx*

I can't process the words. That 3 words that I thought he will never say to me. I want to hang out with him but what about the hangout with Taylor? Should we go for dinner?

*Sure. I love you too. xx*

Did I just say I love him? What? I can't process anything right now. Oh God. Will he take me to a date?

*Okay. How about tomorrow dinner at 7? We can go to TGIFridays!*

*Sure, see you there! x*

I will miss dinner at home. How will I tell mom and dad? I think I need some rest and tell them tomorrow. I don't know what will I say. I don't know what will their reaction be. Will they support me on my relationship? Will they not want me in a relationship?

I walked up the stairs and directly go to my bathroom. I took of my clothes and jumped in the shower. The hot water runs down my body and it relaxes my mind of off things. After a couple minutes, I got out of the shower and put on my clothes. Then I walk to Kylie's room. I saw Kylie playing with her phone. I walk towards Kylie.

"Kylie." I said while sitting beside her.

"Hmm?" Kylie hummed still playing with her phone.

"Harry asked me out. How should I tell this to mom and dad?" I explained.

She gasp and smirks. She didn't say anything. She just say that I need to calm down and tell mom and dad tomorrow. We both say our goodnights and I walk back to my room. I pace back and forth thinking 'how will I tell my relationship'. I find myself yawn so I decided to sleep.


Today, I'm going to the beach with Taylor and Gemma. I head downstairs to find mom and dad sitting on the couch. I took a deep breath and started talking to them. I was so nervous that they will not agree. After talking for a couple of minutes, they agreed my relationship with Harry. I was relieved to hear that mom and dad agreed. I went back upstairs and change into my bikini. I have a white and black strapless bikini with matching white and black bottoms. I put on my white muscle tank with my short jeans. I went and grab my phone and sunblock. I head downstairs and grab my house keys.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going to the beach! I'll be home by 1!" I yelled.

"Alright!" I heard my mom shouted from the kitchen.

I saw the clock and it is already 10 am, so I need to hurry up. I drifted off outside and cross the road to the beach. I texted Taylor and she said that she is near the beach house. I found her so, I walked over to her.

"Taylor!" I shouted.

"Hey Kendall! C'mon let's go swimming!!" she said with full of excitement

"Okay!" I said

After a few hours playing in the beach with Taylor and Gemma, I went home and immediately go upstairs to take a shower. I'm wearing skinny ripped jeans with a black cropped sweater. I put on my makeup which consists of eyeliner, mascara, blush and a red lipstick. When I was about to go downstairs I felt my phone buzzing. I unlocked my phone and opened a text message from Harry.

*i'm already outside*

*Okay, I'm coming*

After replying Harry's text, I ran downstairs and put on my black boots because it's getting cold outside, since winter is in a month.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" I yelled.

I opened the door and see Harry standing near the car wearing white t-shirt and a black skinny jeans with a brown boots. It''s his normal outfit but he always looks gorgeous in it. I love his style. It's like simple, yet classy. Harry, being a gentleman for the night, opens the car door for me. I thanked him for being a very nice guy. The ride was quiet, only the music playing. It is my favorite song. It's 'Never Say Never by The Fray'. I love that song so much. I hummed the song and enjoying it until Harry interrupt me.

"You have a wonderful voice," He compliments. I felt my cheeks burning red. I mumbled a 'thank you' back. The drive was silent and not one of us talk. I hate silence, although it was not awkward silence but I just don't like silence.I decided to start a conversation.

"So, umm... Is this like a" I looked up at him and smiled.

"If you want it to be a date, then it is a date." He chuckles. He smiled at me. I loved how he smiles, he just show his dimples. I smiled back at him and he pull out into a parking lot. Harry opened the door for me and I mumbled a 'thank you' to him. It was very sweet of him. We went inside and a waitress sat us at the back of the restaurant. I can smell the aroma of the steak. The waitress gave us the menu and I ordered the chef recommendation. Harry ordered the same thing and I saw the waitress winking at Harry. I have a slight of jealousy but I'm fine with it knowing that Harry is mine. After a few minutes, the waitress came back with our food. I took a bite out of it and fell in love with it directly. It taste as delicious as it looks.

After we're done eating, Harry asked "Do you wanna go for a walk or maybe go somewhere else?"

"Going for a walk will be fine." I replied smiling at him.

While we're walking, Harry puts his arm across my waist not leaving it. We talked about different and random things until we ran to a dead end. I don't know where we are and it's dark so it's not really clear. We're lost.

"Harry, where are we?" I questioned him and he looked at me with a smile.

"Don't worry, we will find our way back." He replied with a cheeky grin on his face.

I was so worried until Harry open his phone and got to Google Maps and follow where it leads us. We finally find our way back to TGIFridays. I went inside his car and he drops me to my house.

"So? See you tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah. Sure." I replied.

He leans in to kiss me goodbye. I felt butterflies roaming around my stomach. We break the kiss when my phone buzzed. It was a text from my dad saying where I am. I texted him back and we exchange goodbyes. When I walk in the house, I saw mom and dad sitting on the couch.

Mom approached me and asked "So? How was it?"

"How was what?" Trying to sound as innocent as possible. Although, I know what she's talking about.

"How's the date?" A date? It wasn't kind of a date. It was more of a hang out but I'll consider it as a date. I felt my cheeks burning up.

"I-it's alright." I said stuttering. I saw mom smiled at me.

I said goodnight to my parents and went upstairs. I walk inside my room and stripped out of my clothes and change to my pjs. I removed my makeup and went straight to bed.

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