Trials and Triumphs

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I feel my body shake and I wake up, my body immediately shooting upwards before collapsing back in pain onto what I now recognize as the school's hospital bed. My eyes shut tight from the sudden movement, the pain sharp and immediate. The memories flood back— I won! But at what cost? I can feel my reverse cursed technique working, but it's slow, painstakingly slow.

The door creaks open, and I instinctively try to turn my head to see who it is, but I hesitate, fearing more pain. Thankfully, I don't have to wonder for long.

"Hey, pipsqueak," Gojo announces himself proudly, his voice carrying that familiar, cocky edge.

Despite the pain, a small smile forms on my lips. "Gojo," I manage to whisper, my voice weak but filled with relief.

He strides into the room, his presence larger than life as always, and for a moment, the heaviness of my ordeal feels a little lighter.

"What happened?" I ask, confusion clouding my thoughts as I try to piece together the missing fragments. Gojo chuckles, his voice carrying that infuriatingly smug tone.

"I could be asking you the same thing," he replies.

I scoff slightly, wincing from the pain. "Even in a hospital bed, I get ridiculed by you."

His face brightens, his cocky smirk growing wider. "You can't be talking like that to your angel."

My eyes twitch in annoyance and confusion. "What?"

He replies cryptically, "If you know, you know kind of thing."

I close my eyes in frustration and mutter, "Death sounds better than this."

Gojo leans in close, excitement dancing in his eyes. "I can make it quick."

I open one eye and see him so close, looking far too enthusiastic. I close my eyes again, hoping the old "out of sight, out of mind" trick might work.

"Aww, c'mon, you can't go ignoring me," he pokes my cheek, and I wince, nearly biting his finger off. "Oi! I'm literally wounded, man. Leave me alone."

Gojo's eyes twinkle with mischief. "I wouldn't go saying that when I have this," he says, showing me a bottle of water and a few snack bars. Suddenly, I realize how thirsty and hungry I am. My mouth feels like sandpaper, and my stomach is painfully empty.

"Give me it!" I snap at him.

"Heh, knew that would get you talking again," he says with a smug grin. I roll my eyes but try to lift my hand to grab the water, only to find I can't due to the pain.

No way this is happening to me, I think, feeling a surge of frustration. I desperately need to quench my thirst and fill my stomach, but there's no way I'm letting Gojo do it for me.

Gojo notices my struggle and, for once, a hint of genuine concern flickers in his eyes. "Alright, alright, don't strain yourself," he says, his usual playful tone subdued. He opens the water bottle and gently lifts it to my lips.

I take a small sip, the cool liquid soothing my parched throat. "Thanks," I mumble, too exhausted to keep up the banter.

He unwraps a snack bar and hands it to me. I nibble on it slowly, each bite reminding me just how hungry I am. As I eat, Gojo pulls up a chair and sits next to the bed, watching me with an intensity that makes me uncomfortable.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask, my voice still weak.

"Just making sure you don't choke or something," he says, shrugging. "You really scared us, you know."

Electric Embrace: Gojo's Shocking LoveWhere stories live. Discover now