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It isn't long before Minho decides to march over to the new store to confront the culprit. Whoever it is needs to know that they cannot play music that loudly.

Minho strides across the sun-baked pavement and toward the moving truck parked outside the shop. He combs a hand through his hair while readjusting the pastel apron tied around his waist with the other. He adjusts the pastel pink shirt he has tucked into his jeans before rapping his knuckles against the wooden door of... Spin City?

What kind of name is that? Minho fails to suppress an eyeroll.

After a moment too long, the music dims and the door swings open to reveal a young man dressed head-to-toe in black. First red flag (well, in this case, it'd be a black flag, but...).

Minho will eponymously refer to him as 'Dark and Mysterious' for convenience.

Dark and Mysterious' expectedly dark hair falls in waves just above his eyebrows. Large, almost obnoxious headphones are clasped around his ears. His attire consists of a distressed leather jacket and baggy black jeans. Dark and Mysterious' glossy lips are stretched into a lazy smirk as he leans against the doorframe.

"Hey, you must be the neighbor next door!" Dark and Mysterious chimes - and damn - Minho did not expect that face to come along with that voice. "I just moved in! It's nice to meet you."

Minho clears his throat. He lifts his chin ever-so slightly to appear taller than he actually is (and to mask the fact that Dark and Mysterious towers over him with those obnoxious chunky combat boots he's wearing.)

"I am." Minho narrows his eyes. "I'd appreciate it if you could turn your music down."

Dark and Mysterious tilts his head to the side like a curious puppy. It really doesn't help that he has the largest doe eyes known to man.

Minho blinks. Maybe that came off as rude? Well, so what if it did? Maybe Minho wanted to sound rude. Dark and Mysterious disrupted his peace, so the rowdy store owner deserves it... At least, in Minho's opinion.

Minho crosses his arms over his chest and raises a brow expectantly when Dark and Mysterious merely stares at him without saying anything.

A silence pulled taut ensues.

Dark and Mysterious sounds apologetic when he finally says, "Oh, sorry about that. Is my music bothering you?"

"Yes." Minho replies flatly - he's completely unbothered by the shift in Dark and Mysterious' demeanor. "It bothers the plants, too."

Dark and Mysterious perks up. Minho can practically see the imaginary dog tail wagging behind him.


"Yes, I own Verdant Oasis." Minho gestures over to the pastel flower shop next door.

(He glances over at Dark and Mysterious to gauge his reaction, only to find that he's smiling. Why is he smiling?)

"That's so cool! I love plants!" Dark and Mysterious beams. Minho feels blinded by his smile alone. "But I'm really terrible at caring for them! They always end up dying on me somehow. I have such bad plant mom energy... If that's even possible. I guess it is, huh?"

Minho blinks again, thoroughly unimpressed. He does not have time to deal with Dark and Mysterious' babbling.

"Anyway." Minho clicks his tongue. "Would you mind turning your music down?"

"Oh, right, of course!" Dark and Mysterious nods. He offers Minho yet another blinding smile before adding, "The name's Jisung, by the way. Again, it's so nice to meet you!"

Minho nods curtly and ignores the desperate, tattoo-inked, hand that's been held out in anticipation for a friendly handshake.

Minho turns on his heel and marches back to Verdant Oasis without so much as uttering a goodbye. He hears Jisung sigh and shut the door behind him, followed by the volume of his music decreasing significantly.

Minho's headache subsides almost immediately. Finally! Peace and quiet!

Maybe having a new neighbor wouldn't be so bad after all.

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