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Minho soon learns that he spoke too soon.

It has been a week since Jisung opened Spin City, and it's become clear that he has zero regard for noise pollution.

Every. Single. Day. Without fail.

Minho finds himself slamming his fist against the front door of Spin City while glaring at Jisung through the glass window. Jisung appears unfazed as he shuffles over towards the door, unlocks it, and opens it with a lopsided grin.

"Hey, neighbor!" Jisung chirps. Minho hates how chipper he sounds.

"Turn your music down." Minho demands. There's a troop of drummers hacking away at his parietals, all due to the music next door. Ugh.

Jisung blinks innocently, almost confusedly. "Hm? But I turned it down last time! Did I not?"

"It's still too much noise," Minho grumbles, folding his arms over his chest. "I'm receiving noise complaints."

Jisung narrows his eyes, seemingly unimpressed. "From the plants?"

Minho scoffs, recoiling ever-so-slightly. Is Jisung mocking him and his children right now? Sure, the noise complaints have been coming majorly from his varied array of flowers cooped up in his shop, but that does not invalidate them! If Jisung had any respect for anything and anyone other than himself, then he'd understand that.

(Minho is unsure if he's more irritated by that revelation, or that during the entire duration of their conversation, Jisung has been wearing massive headphones over his ears.)

Minho scoffs. "If you must know, yes. From the plants."

Jisung pauses and furrows his brows together. He seems to contemplate something before nodding slowly.

"Since you're like, a plant whisperer, tell them I'm really sorry," Jisung says, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

Minho notices the multitude of mini tattoos littering his exposed arms: the second red flag (well, in this case, it'd be a black flag again...).

Jisung continues: "It's... My intention with my music isn't to upset you guys. So, I'm sorry."

Minho doesn't miss the way Jisung smiles sadly at the ground, almost as if he genuinely feels bad about the whole situation. Minho frowns - and wait - why the hell is he feeling bad Jisung? He ruined Minho's peace!

Minho huffs, adjusting the pastel apron tied around his waist. He refuses to let Jisung guilt trip him into submission.

"Just turn it down. Please," Minho says simply. He surprises himself by adding the word 'please', but he supposes that it was necessary to get his point across.

Jisung nods obediently. "Aye, aye, captain!"

Minho rolls his eyes, turning on his heel to return to Verdant Oasis.

What a weirdo...

(Minho pretends that he doesn't hear Jisung add a bubbly, "See ya' later, neighbor!" before shutting the door.)

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