being bad feels much better than poetry

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I could take you into another room and read you poetry and make you feel loved. Or I can take you into another room, rip your clothes off, and make passionate love to you. In other words, I could be bad.

Which is it? Which one would you rather have? Could you be honest? I used to think I wanted poetry and to feel loved and that you wanted the same thing. That was until I realized that ripping your clothes off and making love to you was way more exciting! I know that I would
Feel the same. When I really think, I know I would rather have you rip my clothes off and make love to me.

Why does the thought of being bad feel so good?! Why does being good feel so bad?! Am I confined to be miserable just because I should be good? What's so great about being good anyway? All it brings is heartache. When I am being bad, it feels so good..

Does being bad mean I'm a terrible person? Or does it mean that I am just following my animalistic instincts?

My animalistic instincts don't necessarily follow my  moral senses. But is that such a bad thing?! The monotony of everyday life is driving me nuts. So is it so wrong to want some passion and excitement?!

If passion and excitement intersect with being bad, why can't I be bad?! How are we actually defining being bad?

As it stands, I would rather have passion and be bad than no passion and read poetry that only details sunshine and unicorns..

Being bad feels so much better than being good and reading poetry.

bad feels so goodWhere stories live. Discover now