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Narrator: This is a story passed down through the ages. A legend of destruction brought on by the horrible deeds of humankind. 800 years ago in a different Earth, humans were at the height of their prosperity. However, many of their hearts were filled with deceit, hate, and doubt. And like a rotten fruit, slowly decomposing, humans sank into the darkness. A darkness they created own their own. Humans tried to use the power of the darkness, to correct their mistakes. They wanted to erase war from face of the earth. However, the darkness saw the true nature of the world that people had built. It was known as Anthrasax, the Demon God of Destruction.

 It was known as Anthrasax, the Demon God of Destruction

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Anthrasax: I have been born from darkness. The time has come to receive punishment for your sins. The earth wishes to have a peaceful rest. Away from your hate, your doubt, your greed. Away from all of your arrogance. I must free the world from the darkness you brought upon it. 

Narrator: The darkness, the power humans created themselves, brought their society to the brink of destruction. Before the world could be destroyed, a giant pillar of light broken through the earth and reached up to the heavens. A creature emerged from the light, it took on a form of a black dragon purple colored horns and wings. 

The dragon and the darkness realized, they were enemies

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The dragon and the darkness realized, they were enemies. It was as if they both knew that it was their destiny to fight each other. The fierce battle shook the earth. Many of the continents were destroyed, sing into the ocean. Millions of people died. However, it wasn't until the dragon victorious that the battle finally ended. Long after, this battle became a legend. A legend that was passed down through the ages. And as time went on, the story morphed, into something different. We forgot the real legend, the truth, from a time, long, forgotten. 

The scene takes place around 400 years ago, when chaos was around the kingdom of Metallicana. There was a group of warriors taking shelter, thinking of the strategy to destroy the Demon God, Anthrasax. 


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