OC Bio:

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(credit to @xyzdragon1234) 

Name: Riku Raiden

Titles: The Dragon of Infinity, and the Supernatural's most Powerful Hybrid. 

Age: 18

Hair Color: indigo purplish blue hair in a long-braided pony that goes down to his waist.

Eye Color: Right Eye: red, blue, and yellow, Left Eye: purple, orange, and green (uses Illusions to keep his color galaxy purple) 

Height: 5'8

Gender: male

Race: Human-Dragon Hybrid


Personality: Riku is a complex individual with a dual personality that is both fascinating and intimidating

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Personality: Riku is a complex individual with a dual personality that is both fascinating and intimidating. On the surface, he is a kind and compassionate person who derives great joy from helping others and performing acts of random kindness. He has a natural ability to empathize with others and is always willing to lend a listening ear or a helping hand. His warm demeanor and genuine concern for those around him have earned him a reputation as a caring and trustworthy individual.

However, beneath this facade lies a darker side of Riku that is only revealed when his patience is tested. When people push him to his limits, he undergoes a sudden transformation, becoming emotionless, serious, and eerily calm. His eyes take on a cold, calculating intensity, and his voice becomes low and menacing. His entire demeanor exudes an aura of bloodlust, causing even his enemies to cower in fear. This alter ego is a force to be reckoned with, and those who dare to cross him do so at their own peril.

Despite his capacity for violence, Riku is deeply resistant to control and authority. He detests being told what to do or being forced to conform to societal norms. His independent spirit and rebellious nature make him unwilling to compromise his values or principles, even if it means going against the grain. This refusal to submit has led him to take a strong stance against those who seek to dominate or manipulate others.

It's worth noting that Riku's aversion to control is not simply a matter of personal preference; it's deeply rooted in his own experiences. He has been shaped by the struggles of those around him, and has developed a strong sense of justice and compassion as a result. His rebellion is not about causing chaos or destruction, but about fighting for freedom and equality.

In summary, Riku is a multifaceted individual with both light and dark aspects to his personality. While he is capable of great kindness and compassion, he is also fiercely independent and resistant to control. His dual nature makes him both intriguing and intimidating, and those who dare to cross him would do well to remember the power of his alter ego.

Distinguishing features: Tattoos of lightning on his arms and neck, 6 dragon tattoos on his arms with their mouths open and around the stones on Riku's arms and they glow for each stone he uses, and a calisthenic athlete body build alongside an 8-pack. 

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