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"So Mr. Kim Hangul what you said before"
Jimin bend at Hangul level where he is tied with robe on chair when Hangul looking at Jimin with scared expression which make Jimin more smirked.

"See Jimin I'm sorry I know I shouldn't kidnapped you like this but-aaaaaah"

Hangul didn't able to complete his words when Jimin pulled his hairs harshly make Hangul scream but no one could hear him other than Yoongi and Jimin who is in the basement with Hangul.

The basement is all dark and creepy and it is in the house of Yoongi which only Yoonmin know.

"Leave him Jimin enough of your torture. Just killed him already"

Yoongi said while holding Jimin shoulder bringing him back in standing postion when Jimin nodded and get up.

"I will surely kill him but not right now. Leave him here for some minute and you come upstairs with me" 

Yoongi smirk and leave from there and directly went outside the home.

"Jimin are you ready right" Yoongi whispered in Jimin ears when Jimin hummed and wear his glasses.

Yoongi rang the door bell when door opened revealing Jin. Jimin eyes turned teary when he see Jin smiling at them.

"Yoongi..... Jimin you came" he hugged Jimin in front of everyone .

"Nothing happened to you right" Jin is hugging him when Jimin became all numb after feeling his brother warmth after long time. He wanted to tell Jin that "hyung I remember everything" but he can't said that.

Yoongi didn't said anything but entered inside with his cold face when every worker , his father,   namjoon and sumi looking at him with confused face.

"Yoongi son what happened" yoongi father stoping him in between when Yoongi sighed and Jinmin enter inside the house.

"Dad I married him just because of you which is done now I'm going in my room" his rude behavior hurt Jimin but he didn't said anything and just smiled.

"You dont worry Jimin. Hyung is like this only. You go in his room and talk with him"
Namjoon secretly smirked at Jimin when Jimin left from there with sad eyes.

As soon as he entered inside the room someone harshly pinned him on the wall which make Jimin gasped.

"How was my acting bub" he winked at Jimin when Jimin looked at him with wide eyes and he hit Yoongi shoulder.

"You fool I thought what happen with you suddenly" he scrunched his nose make Yoongi smile.

"Baby do you forget its acting. We need to continue this till we don't know who is the betrayer in my house"

Jimin nodded but a naughty idea came in his mind and he kissed Yoongi on lips who became off guarded but started to kiss back while sliding his hand to Jimin ass and squeeze that harshly make Jimin moan which make chance for Yoongi to enter his tounge in Jimin mouth.

Their tounge fighting with eachother when Jimin let Yoongi to take dominancy. Soo Jimin back off when he felt Yoongi not so little friend is poking against him.

"Did I turned on you... Kins" Jimin whispered seductively and bite Yoongi earlobe make Yoongi groaned.

"Jimin....lets make love" Yoongi said while breathing heavily when Jimin breathe hitched.

"No Yoongi-ah we can't do" he backed off when Yoongi pulled him closer again by Jimin wrist.

"Why Jimin its been years I didn't love you...let me love you please" Yoongi said while cupping Jimin face when Jimin can see pure love and affection for him.

"Yoongi I know you are missing me but can't you just wait little bit more. We have to continue acting. When we all done I promise we will make love everyday" he said with red cheeks when Yoongi smiled.

"Are you shy Jimin-ah... did you forget we have child together. I  know we have to wait to claim him as us but still"

Yoongi-ahhh.... don't talk like this. I need to sleep" Jimin removed Yoongi hands and went towards the bed.

"Yaaaah it is not fair" Yoongi shouted when Jimin went towards the bed and sleep there.

"Everything is fair in love and war mr.min and now we have to focus on war. Forget about the love sometimes"
He layed down while  yoongi whine and slept beside him.

Next morning Yoongi came on dining table with fake cold face which make Jimin smirk who is already seated while eating his breakfast. 

Everyone was present there except Yoongi who came and sit in front of Jimin not even sparing any glance to Jimin. 

"Yoongi son sit beside Jimin, he was waiting for you" Yoongi father said playing along with them when Yoongi glare at Jimin. 

"Dad there is nothing between as couple, didn't I told you before then why you are doing this now" 

Jimin know Yoongi was doing acting but his heart is hurting. He himslef don't know but still he decided to go with flow.

Soon his eyes fell on sumi who come towards Jin and hugged his leg.

"Papa let's go its already late. Ma'am will scold me" he made pout when jimin realise that how his son lips totally look like him and indeed Namjin really made him grew well.

His eyes teary but it blinked them away.

"Yeah sumi Baby wait a minute okay" Sumi nodded when Jin hurriedly eat his food hurriedly and take Sumi to school.

Sorry for late btw Jinnie is back

Sorry for late btw Jinnie is back

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My ot7 babies😭😭😭🫂🫂🫂

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